Page 53 of Cage

“What is good enough?” I ask out of frustration.

“Nothin’ is. You’re not changin’ my mind on this,” he tells me.

I know I’m not. There’s no way he will change his stubborn ass mind.

So I sigh and let my eyes flutter closed.



I watched her sleep in our bed. Our bed. Those words keep replaying in my head. Ours. Just like that baby, she’s growing inside of her. It’s ours. Mine.

We’re back at the clubhouse, where I’m dealing with shit as usual. Yenni wasn’t feeling well, so she canceled all her appointments for the day. She’s in my room now, sound asleep again after she took some medicine for her stomach.

“You look too damn happy,” Ridge says as he stands next to me. He leans against the bar and smirks my way.

“Maybe I am.”

“Since when?” Knight chimes in. We voted him in the other day as VP. It was unanimous, which I already saw coming.

“Since I got my girl pregnant,” I tell them as I bring my beer to my lips.

“She ain’t that happy though, is she?” Knight asks.

“She’s comin’ around. She’ll be fine,” I reassure them. After yesterday at the new house, I think she will come around. Maybe not to the idea of getting married but of us being together.

“You say that now, but she might hate you later,” he tells me.


“You’re doin’ it again, brother!”

“Doin’ what?” I ask. Knight glances around the room before dragging his eyes back to meet mine. So maybe I made other plans for us. What’s the fucking problem? I know what I want and how to get what I want.

“All of this,” he says, nodding toward where the guys and girls are setting up the room.

“She’ll be fine,” I tell him. He smirks.

“I don’t know about all that, Cage. You’re pushin’ your luck, brother. The first time she couldn’t do shit about it; this time, she could run.”

“She isn’t gonna run,” I tell him.

“She might,” Tarek adds as he comes up next to us. We stand in our small circle, talking a bunch of shit.

“You think she would?”

“You got her pregnant on purpose, brother. I think that’s enough to make her run,” Ridge says.

“But she didn’t.”

“You didn’t let her,” he adds.

“And I’m not gonna let her this time either. I told her this was happenin’.”

“Did you tell her it was happenin’ today?” I shake my head. I didn’t mention that to her. I remember telling her soon, but I didn’t say how soon. Last night the mood struck, and I called the guys telling them to get shit together. I was planning on it being a surprise when she came over after work, but then she decided to stay home today. Now they’re working to set things up while she takes a nap. I think it will all go off without a hitch. She knew it was coming. She just didn’t know how soon it would be.

I turn my head and look at the guys as they hurry to set up the chairs and shit. There are even flowers. Yeah, I thought of everything. I want her to have the best day of her life today. I want her eyes to light up when she sees what I’ve done for her.