Page 49 of Cage


My focus is off. I can’t think straight. I’m sick to my fucking stomach, and I don’t think it’s because I’m pregnant. It’s because he did this on purpose. How can someone do that? How can someone be so selfish? But then again, it’s Cage, and he always gets what he wants regardless of what he must do. This shouldn’t have happened. I shouldn’t be sitting here trying to do a tattoo while my mind is a complete mess.

“Are you okay?” I glance over my shoulder and roll my eyes when I see Tarek.

“What the hell are you doing here?”

“I was told to keep an eye on you today,” he replies casually. Does anyone believe in privacy or what I want around here? This is my shop. My safe place.

“You can go. I’m fine,” I tell him before getting back to work. I finished the tattoo, and as much as I wish I could say it turned out perfect, I don’t know if I can. The customer is happy, but I’m not.

I walk back out front and drop onto the couch after my last appointment. It’s almost time for me to close up and go to the damn doctor Cage demanded I see. If I could punch him in the face, I would. Hell, I tried.

“You don’t look happy.”

“Really, Tarek? You don’t think I look thrilled about being tricked into having a baby?” He shrugs like he doesn’t know what to say. I assume he knows the deal. I’m sure everyone at the clubhouse does, for that matter. I shake the thought away and shove off the couch, heading to the desk to collect my things. When I walk toward the door, Tarek is right behind me.

“Are you coming to the doctor with me too?”

“Nope. Just makin’ sure you get there, is all. Cage is meetin’ you there,” he says. Now I do roll my eyes. I shove the door open and step outside, waiting for Tarek to come out so I can lock up. Once that’s done, I walk to my car and climb in, watching him climb on his bike to follow me.

The drive doesn’t take long; I’m parking in the parking lot before I know it. I’m nervous. I’ve drank. I’ve drunk a lot, and now I find out I’m pregnant.

Shaking the thoughts away, I climb out of the car when I see Tarek wave. I flip him off just as I hear Cage’s voice.

“That isn’t very nice,” he says. I turn to look at him, wondering how someone so goddamn gorgeous can be such an asshole.

“You’re not very nice,” I tell him as I sling my purse strap over my shoulder and head for the building in front of me. He walks behind me, grabbing and opening the door when we’re close enough. I huff out a breath and walk inside, not at all ready for this appointment.

“In there,” he says, nodding toward the office door.

Once we’re inside, I sign in, and we wait. There’s silence. Neither of us speak. I don’t have anything to say to him anyway. The bastard. It’s his fault we’re sitting here.

They finally call my name, and we walk to the back, where the nurse has me undress. I sit on the table with a paper blanket while Cage paces the room.

“Why the fuck do you need to be naked?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know,” I snap at him. He walks over and grips my face, forcing me to look at him.

“This is new to me, Yenni. Don’t be a bitch,” he warns, keeping his eyes trained on me.

“You think I’ve done this before?” Before we can say a word, the door opens, and the doctor walks in.

They do the exam and send us for an ultrasound which has Cage on edge. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this nervous before, and I kind of want to laugh at the asshole, but I don’t. I keep my shit to myself as they do the ultrasound.

“You look to be around thirteen weeks,” the lady says, and my heart beats faster. “There’s the heart,” she adds as we both look. Cage looks enamored by what he sees on the screen. I can’t believe that’s actually inside of me. I have a small life growing inside of me.

Tears burn the back of my eyes, but I won’t give him the satisfaction of seeing them fall. I blink them back and keep my composure about me.

After the exam and ultrasound are completed, and the doctor tells us everything looks great, we leave the office with little images of the baby in hand. Cage tore one off and shoved it into the pocket of his cut while I stare down at the others.

“You’re gonna be a good mom.”

“I’m not ready for this,” I say under my breath.

“It’s too late now,” he says. Now I jerk my head up to look at him.

“Do you even feel a little bad for what you did?”