Page 47 of Cage

“Calm down before you hurt my baby,” I warn her.

“Maybe I’m not keeping it anyway. What do you think about that?” She isn’t serious. I can tell by the look in her eyes. She’s just fucking with me.

“Try to hurt that baby, and I’ll hurt you,” I warn her.

“You already have by doing this, Cage. This isn’t a joke. This is another life,” she cries.

“You think I don’t know that? I knew exactly what I was doin’, Yenni.”

“Why couldn’t you have at least talked to me first?”

“I already knew what you’d say. You’d say you weren’t ready, and we barely know each other.”

“Because that’s all true, Cage,” she yells.

“Don’t yell around the baby,” I warn her.

“You can’t be serious,” she huffs.

“I’m serious. You’re lucky I can’t pump that beer you drank out of you, or I would. That’s the end of that too. No drinkin’.”

“You’re going overboard here,” she states.

“Am I? I don’t think so. There are rules,” I warn her.

“Rules? Like I’m a child?”

“No drinkin’. No more of that bullshit lettuce you call food. You’re gonna eat real food and grow my baby strong and healthy,” I tell her. Her face is pale, she doesn’t know what to say to me, and that’s fine. She doesn’t need to say anything. I have these rules for her, and she will follow them.

“Fuck you.”

“You’ll go to every appointment the doctor wants you to go to. You’ll even fuckin’ smile and be happy about it,” I add.

“You can’t force this shit on me, Cage.”

“You wanna mess that little life up? Is that what this is?”

“I’d never do that, and you know it.”

“Then follow the fuckin’ rules, Yenni. I’m makin’ an appointment for tomorrow.” I pull my cell out and type a message to our doc here. His wife is an OBGYN, and I know he can get Yenni in to see her.

The phone chimes almost right away, confirming my thoughts. Doc got Yenni an appointment.

“All taken care of,” I tell her.

“This is bullshit,” she adds.

“This is life, Yenni. We’re gonna be parents.”

“You killed people, Cage, or did that slip your mind?” I storm across the room and step up right in front of her, grabbing her face.

“I killed those who needed to be killed. I killed the motherfucker who put his hands on you. Do you think I killed for no fuckin’ reason? Huh?” Anger seeps through me; I’ll take it out on her if she isn't careful.

“I didn’t say that,” she murmurs. I don’t release my grip on her face, though. She’s pushing me to a breaking point. One I didn’t want to be at.

“I’ll protect what’s mine. That includes this baby,” I remind her. She nods slowly before I lean in and press my lips to hers. I kiss her roughly, but she doesn’t kiss me back. That’s fine. My mission is accomplished, and she’s now tied to me for life. That’s what I wanted, and that’s what I got.

“We’re gettin’ married,” I tell her when I pull away and turn my back. That’s when something hits me. She fucking threw something at me. I spin around to see the shoe on the floor behind me and laugh.