Page 46 of Cage

“Yeah, I am, and you didn’t have one,” he states. I cross my arms over my chest and glare at the man. He’s right. I did miss my period. In fact, I missed more than one. My chest clenches at the thought.

Cage walks over to me and rests his hand on my stomach gently. I don’t know what to say or do here. I don’t know what I’m going to do. I’m not ready for this. What if I am pregnant? How could he have done something like this?

“You changed out my pills.”

“They were all blanks,” he says, keeping his hand in place. “I told you I get what I want.”

“How could you do that without talking to me first? We haven’t even been together that long, Cage. What the hell is wrong with you?” I scream at him before stepping away and letting his hand fall from my stomach.

“I know what I want, Yenni, and I’m a man. I go after what I want.”

“But you lied and tricked me! How do you think that will work out in the end?”

“You go along with it. You’re gonna have my baby. You’re gonna marry me, and that’s it.” My heart thumps in my chest. Has this man completely lost his mind? Was he hit in the head? I can’t marry him. I’m not ready for all of this.

“I need to get a test,” I mumble. He nods and raises a finger before walking out of the room.

A few minutes later, he returns with a test in his hand. I should have known he’d have one on hand, the asshole.

“Give it to me,” I demand before snatching it from his fingers and walking into the bathroom. I sit on the toilet and force myself to pee once more just to get this over with.

Recapping the end, I set it on the sink, clean up and wash my hands. I don’t even get them dry before Cage bursts into the bathroom.

“What’s it say?”

“I just did it. It takes ten minutes,” I tell him.

“I already know it’s positive. This is just for you,” he says, nodding at the stick that could change my life forever.

My heart beats a little faster with each passing minute. I’m on edge. I’m angry, aren’t I? I should be. He did this to me on purpose. For his own sick reasons.

I swallow hard as we both look down at the stick.

Two pink lines.

I’m pregnant.



I didn’t need to see the stick to know the truth. She was right; I monitored her periods. I knew when she had them and when she missed them. So the two pink lines weren’t a shock to me. They were more of a reminder of what I’d done. The thought of her carrying my child has sat heavily on my mind for months, so I decided to do something about it. Maybe I’m an asshole for not considering her feelings, but I don’t give a shit.

“I can’t think right now,” she says as she walks over to the bed and sits on the edge.

“There’s nothin’ to think about. We’re havin’ a baby,” I tell her.

“Did it matter to you that I wasn’t ready for this?” It should, but we all know the answer to that question.


“This is wrong, Cage. You went about this the wrong way,” she tells me. I think it was right. It was bound to happen anyway; I just sped up the process.

“It’s not wrong. We’re havin’ a baby, Yenni. Get used to it,” I tell her before pulling my clothes back on. Once I’m fully dressed, I pull a cigarette out, but before I light it up, I think about the baby. The smoke isn’t going to be good for him. I toss the cigarette onto the dresser before spinning to face her.

“No smokin’ inside anymore. I’m makin’ it a rule.”

“What? That’s what you’re concerned about? Not that fact you lied to me and tricked me into this?” She snaps at me before shoving to her feet. She’s across the room and leaping on me before I can react. Her fist collides with my jaw, and I smirk at her.