Page 37 of Cage

I close my eyes, willing it to be over, when the door flies open, and a shot sounds through the air. The next thing I know, Scott’s limp body falls onto me. I shift and try to pull away, but he’s dead weight. Something warm is dripping onto my shoulder when I see Marsha with a gun in her hand.

“What the hell are you doin’?” Twitch roars before pulling his gun away from my head. He then turns it on her. She moves the gun toward Twitch and my stomach cramps. What the hell is happening here?

“You can’t do that to her,” she says softly as if she gives a shit now. “You can’t rape her,” she adds.

“I didn’t touch her, Marsha.”

“You forced Scott to!” She roars at him. “She doesn’t deserve that!”

“Where’d you get that gun? You goin’ through my shit?” Twitch asks her like it matters where the gun came from. Who gives a shit where it came from at this point?

I swallow hard as the warmth seems to creep over me. I know what it is, but I refuse to think about it, or I’ll throw up.

“I made a call.”

“You what?”

“I made a call. Your boys will be showing up here to find her soon,” Marsha says.

“What the hell are you doin’, Marsha?” Twitch growls.

“You’d never be with me. It’s always been her. I fixed it, Twitch. They’ll come for her, but they don’t know about you. I didn’t tell them about you. We can run. Me and you,” she says, sounding desperate.

“You didn’t tell them about me?”

“No. I said it was Scott. We can run,” she says once more before I hear the sound of another shot. Marsha drops to the floor, and I scream this time.

“Oh my god,” I sob as Twitch comes over and stares down at me.

“You got lucky today. Don’t think I won’t kill Cage if you say my name just once. It’d be so easy,” he tells me. I shiver as tears fall down my cheeks as he walks away. I hear him leave before the door slams shut. I tug at the chains, bucking my body to try and get Scott off me. It’s no use. I breathe through my nose, trying to gain some control over myself.

I don’t know how long I lay here. It seems like forever when I hear the door being kicked open. Then silence follows. I keep my eyes clenched shut as the silence lingers in the room. Then I hear footsteps, and my heart kicks up a notch. I still keep my eyes closed, not knowing who it is.

“Fuck!” I finally hear Cage roar. I pry my eyes open as he looks down at me, letting out a sigh of relief. The guys rush into the room, quickly pull Scott’s body off me, and drop it to the floor. I suck air into my lungs, smelling the scent of blood that makes me gag.

“Get the cutters,” Cage yells as he drops onto the bed next to me. His hands come to my face, gripping it roughly.

“You’re alive,” he says.

“I’m alive,” I tell him as tears stream down my cheeks. He nods his head. I’m safe. I feel safe now he’s here.

I hear the guys come back in, and Knight cuts the chains from my legs and wrists. Then Cage moves, jerking me off the bed, pulling me into his arms, and holding me. This is unlike him. He doesn’t act like this.

He keeps a hand pressed to the back of my head, holding me as tightly as possible without hurting me. I sob into his shirt, holding on as tightly as I can too.

“You’re okay now,” he says, pressing his lips to my hair. I shiver under his touch. I didn’t think he’d find me. I didn’t think he’d ever come. I thought Twitch had me hidden from the world, and no one would find me.



She’s covered in blood; thankfully, none of it was hers. There’s a strange feeling in my chest I can’t place as I lift her in my arms and carry her out of this house. Without Marsha's phone call, we would have never known where she was.

I walk to the van and climb in with her still in my arms. I don’t want to let her go. I want to hold her and know she’s safe. Yenni squirms in my lap and lifts her head to look at me.

“I can sit, you know?”

“You want me to let you go?” In my mind, I’m saying no, I’m not letting her go ever again, but then she shakes her head and lays her head back on my shoulder. The guys climb in, and we take off, leaving the dead for someone else to deal with. We’re lucky the neighbors didn’t hear the gunshots, but this isn’t the best side of town, so they’re probably used to it.