Page 24 of Cage

“Why aren’t you teachin’ her?”

“I told Tarek to do it. I can’t think straight when my cock is hard,” I admit to him. He chuckles and shakes his head.

“That makes you hard?”

“Sure as fuck does. Look at her,” I say, nodding toward her. He turns and looks at her, aiming and shooting again.

“She’s pretty hot,” I grunt my agreement.

“You seen Twitch actin’ any kind of way lately?”

“Not really. He’s been eyein’ her a lot more than usual. You think somethin’ was goin’ on?”

“I think I need a new VP,” I admit to him. I don’t say that lightly either. I don’t take to losing a member lightly, but Twitch is fucking up lately, and I need to get a handle on that.

“Why is that?”

“He’s fuckin’ around. He ain’t actin’ like we’re brothers anymore. I don’t like it,” I tell him. He pulls a cigarette from the pack and offers me one. I take it and light up as I stare at Yenni.

“Heard that. I’ve seen it lately, too. He’s been distant too. Not wantin’ to hang out as much. I’m not sure what the deal is,” Knight tells me.

“So you have noticed.”

“I don’t like it, Knight. Not even a little.”

“What do you wanna do about it?” I finally pull my gaze away from Yenni and focus on Knight.

“If I could vote him out, I’d do that.”

“You wanna take it that far? Strippin’ his patch?” he asks, not sounding as sure as I feel about it.

“Yeah, I do, before somethin’ else happens and I end up killin’ my own VP.”

“You think it would come to that? You and he have been good for a long time, Cage.” I know this, but that doesn’t change how he’s been lately. Something is wrong. Something is off, and I can’t put my finger on what it is. It isn’t just about Yenni, either. There’s something else going on with him.

“We were. Not anymore.”

“You sure it’s not just about her?” I shake my head.

“No. Not just about her. There’s somethin’ else goin’ on, brother.”

“What do you want to do then besides kill his ass?” Knight asks me.

“I want you to keep an eye on him. I want to know what that motherfucker is up to when he isn’t here.”

“I can do that.”

“Good. This stays between you and me, yeah?”

“Of course. I won’t say shit to anyone,” he adds. I nod and bring my cigarette to my lips, inhaling once more before flicking it to the ground. I’ve had enough of Tarek over there with my girl.

I stroll over and slip my arms around her waist, but she jerks. Who the fuck did she think it was touching her?


“A little. What are you doing?”

“I thought about fuckin’ you right here,” I tell her.