Page 23 of Cage

“Yeah, you are, and if you don’t stop, I’m gonna kick his fuckin’ ass one more time.” I shift on his lap so I can look at him.

“You’re probably the best boyfriend I’ve ever had,” I tell him. He grins and shakes his head.

“Why is that?

“None of the others ever kicked someone’s ass for me.”

“I’ll do it again, too, if the motherfucker doesn’t stay in his place.”

“I honestly don’t know what to say,” I tell him.

“Just say away from him. No more fuckin’ around or dancin’ with him.” I don’t like that he’s trying to shut me down, but I also understand why he’s saying that. Twitch is taking things too far, and we both know it.


“Okay? You’re not gonna give me shit?” I shake my head.

“No. I think you’re right about this.”

“He tried somethin’ more, and I know he did, Yenni. You just aren’t tellin’ me,” he says, causing bumps to form on my skin. I debated telling him about that night in the kitchen, but I didn’t. I went back to bed like nothing happened.

“Nothing happened,” I remind him.

“That’s not what I hear.”

“What did you hear, Cage?”

“We’re not gonna get into this now. You can tell me when you feel like it. I don’t know why you’re protectin’ his ass in the first place.”

“I’m not protecting him. I just don’t want any issues. I like coming here,” I remind him.

“I know you do, but they need to know your place when you’re here. They need to know the boundaries.”

“Everyone but Twitch seems to know them.” He shifts under me and wraps his hand around my throat.

“You know I’d kill anyone who touched you. You know that, right?” I swallow hard. Something in the way he says that makes my skin crawl, and I don’t know if it’s in a good way or not.

“I know.”

“Then tell me if he touched you,” he says again.

“He didn’t.” Lies. It’s all lies, and I know it. I should tell him exactly what happened, but I don’t. I don’t want to see his brotherhood torn apart because of me.



I know she’s lying to me, and that’s fine. She can lie all she wants, but that isn’t going to stop me from watching Twitch. If I so much as see him look at her wrong, I’m going to slit his throat and watch him bleed out all over the floor. She makes me crazy. She makes me like this.

When I first met her in her shop, I knew she was something special, different from other girls. She doesn’t take my shit, but she doesn’t take anyone else’s shit, either. It gives me a hard-on knowing that too. So when Knight was telling me about the night she ran out of the kitchen, I knew she didn’t just stand there and take Twitch’s shit.

Now I watch her, standing outside with a gun in her hand. There’s something sexy as hell about a girl with a gun. She holds it up, aims, and pulls the trigger. Fuck, my cock is hard as steel just watching her like this. But there’s something more to it, and I wonder if my VP has anything to do with it.

I cock my head and watch her re-aim at the target and pull the trigger once more. Tarek stands next to her, nodding his head, when Knight comes up next to me.

“She learnin’ to shoot?”

“Looks that way,” I tell him.