Page 2 of Breaking Trey

What the… Since when? Over the last seven months of sharing a house, it was all Belinda had done. And now she’s found moral ground on taking advantage?

Fuck me!

“I’m never going to find a replacement roommate in a week, Belinda,” Dahlia said.

Belinda smiled. “But that’s not my problem, Dahlia.”

Dahlia wasn’t sure what pissed her off more, Belinda’s lack of concern for Dahlia’s situation and all human decency. Or her own naivete for assuming people would do the right thing.

Kindness and trust shouldn’t be considered downfalls, but this situation was proving to be a monumental mistake. At twenty-seven, Dahlia should’ve changed her ways long ago. She hadn’t. Instead of making people earn her trust, Dahlia trusted people until they gave her a reason not to. It’d become increasingly clear that it was a very flawed way of going into relationships with others. But in this situation, she had no one to blame but herself. She could almost hear her father’s voice in the back of her head. You’re too nice. People will take advantage of you. He was right, and this was a prime example.

Belinda grasped Dahlia’s shoulder. “This is an opportunity of a lifetime. Dave and the band are gonna tour and make music. It’s going to be amazing. Be happy for us.”

I won’t be able to cover the rent because you screwed me over, and you want me to be happy for you?

Dahlia bit the inside of her mouth and mentally picked apart everything in Belinda’s statement. Number one, Belinda never apologized. Number two, the “tour” consisted of shitty venues around Lawry’s seediest bars. Number three, the opportunity of a lifetime? A groupie for a crappy talentless band?

It seemed judgmental on Dahlia’s part, considering her own lifestyle choices. However, she didn’t screw people over to live life on her own terms. Dahlia would have loved to point out everything, but she was at the mercy of Belinda—at least for the next few hours.

Dahlia stood quietly watching Belinda’s boyfriend, Dave, and another bandmate, Chris, load some boxes into the truck. When they came back into the house, Chris stopped a few feet from her. He’d been gawking at her since the minute he’d arrived. Attention from men never fazed Dahlia, but his obvious perusal of her body, with the main focus on her breasts, was not only rude but downright creepy.

“After we unload Belinda’s shit, we’re going to the studio. There’s room for one more in the van.” Chris slapped his hands together and winked.

Dahlia snorted, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. “As enticing as that sounds, I’m gonna have to pass.”

His brows dipped into a tight scowl as if offended. She doubted this was the first time Chris had been turned down and was confident it wouldn’t be the last. He reached into his back pocket and handed her what looked like a postcard. “These are the list of our shows. You call me. I’ll get you in without having to pay a cover. My number is at the bottom.”


Belinda stormed forward, handing Chris a box. “That’s so sweet, Chris!”

Oh God.

Dahlia was beyond defeated and quickly racked her brain trying to think of a solution. Once they left, she’d immediately reach out to some friends to spread the word about the available room. It was a long shot, but anything was possible. She stayed close to the kitchen for the next half hour while they finished moving Belinda’s stuff. When the last box was carried out, Belinda turned to Dahlia, and spread out her arms.

The last thing Dahlia wanted was to have to fake anything, but she did it. Dahlia was the first to step away from the hug and forced a smile.

“Well, let’s keep in touch, okay?” Belinda said.

Wait, wait…

Dahlia nervously laughed and shook her head. “I’m going to see you when I return your car later.”

Belinda slowly cocked her head, and she squinted. “Return my car?”

Oh fuck, no, please don’t do this to me. Dahlia’s heartbeat spiked, and her muscles tensed.

“You said I could borrow your car for my job interview. I asked you two weeks ago, then reminded you last week, and confirmed it three days ago. Remember?” Her voice cracked on the last word, leaving no doubt of her desperation.

Belinda sighed and gave a small smile. “Oh yeah, about that.”

No, no, no. No!

“I promised Dave I’d go to the recording studio with him. He likes me there. Says I’m his muse.”

Oh fuck!

“Well, can’t you just take the van, and I’ll return the car to wherever you are after my interview?”