Page 130 of Breaking Trey

“What the fuck is going on?” Rogue asked.

“Dahlia and Sloane are at Oz’s.”

Trey dragged his hand down his face. Just when he thought the night was settling down, it was about to blow the fuck up!

Chapter Twenty-Five

This is living! Dahlia peered around the club, sipping her overpriced but delectable drink. She was soaking it up. It was like nothing she’d ever seen before. The Bowery was amazing, but this was off the charts. Sloane was still holding out hope they’d get into the private VIP section, but Dahlia was happy where they were. We’re like friggin’ royalty!

When they entered the club, bypassing the long line, she’d figured they’d be waiting in line at the bar for at least thirty minutes. Surprisingly, as soon as they walked in, they were escorted to a private section of the club that was separate from everyone else. They were free to leave, but it was guarded by a bouncer, and they had their own personal waitress. What kind of passes did they have? They’d only been there about thirty minutes, but it was proving to be one of Sloane’s best nights. Dahlia’s too.

“This is so amazing!” Sloane grabbed her arm, shaking it. Her drink spilled over the top, dropping down onto her pants. Dahlia didn’t even bother trying to clean it. Who cared? As Sloane said, it was amazing. It wasn’t exactly Dahlia’s element, or Sloane’s for that matter, but there was something electrifying about the atmosphere, the music and energy, and the service. The waitress had been to their table three times already. She was friendly and tentative, as if she and Sloane were something special.

Sloane had been reluctant to go to the dance floor, but Dahlia had been insistent. Wasn’t that why they were there? This was the good stuff. Two friends, drinking and dancing without an ounce of coordination and no interest in anyone else but each other. A few men sidled up next to them, but Dahlia played bouncer, pulling Sloane away from them. Blade would not approve.

It was a task escorting Sloane off the dance floor, but Dahlia was determined. They had the whole night ahead of them, and she was eager to bask in the glory of VIP treatment. It was a first for her.

“You’re my fun friend!” Sloane shouted over the music.

Dahlia dropped her head back, laughing, guiding Sloane through the crowds. If only the world could see this Sloane Baxter. “And you’re mine, Sloane.”

Sloane stopped, forcing Dahlia to do the same. She glanced back at Sloane, still gripping onto her wrist. “Really? I’m nobody’s fun friend.”

Dahlia pulled her closer, wrapping her arm around Sloane’s shoulder and stepping off of the dance floor. Dahlia hugged her close. “You’re mine.”

Sloane grinned, and her jaw fell. “Should we get matching tattoos tonight to commemorate the evening?”

What the…?

“How many drinks have you had?”

Sloane laughed, waving off Dahlia’s comment. “Only two, but I need another. C’mon.”

This time, it was Sloane dragging Dahlia back to the table. Once they settled in their seats and Sloane ordered another round, Dahlia slyly pulled the waitress aside, asking for waters along with the drinks.

The waitress smiled. “Of course.”

Dahlia leaned closer. “And if you want to water down those drinks too, that’d be great!”

The waitress furrowed her brows, then glanced over at Sloane for a brief moment before winking at Dahlia. “I got ya, girl.”

Girl power and protection were alive and kicking at the X-Lounge. Dahlia sat back in her seat, taking in the scene. The vibe was incredible. She never got a chance to enjoy it while working at the Bowery.

They were on their third round of drinks when the waitress walked up to the table.

“I’m sorry to bother you. Would you mind coming with me for just one minute?”

“Oh sure, no problem.” Dahlia stood, glancing back at Sloane. “Stay here.”

The last thing she needed was to lose Sloane and have to answer to Blade.

Dahlia followed the woman through the back corridor. Unlike Trey’s club, there were men lined up in military formation along the hallway in what appeared to be the employee corridor. The waitress walked her to the elevator, and once the doors opened, she gestured Dahlia inside. Without thinking, Dahlia walked in and turned. It took her a minute to realize the waitress wasn’t coming with her. What the… Two men stepped inside next to her. They reminded her of Trey’s security but without the comfort of familiarity.

The last thing Dahlia saw as the doors closed was the waitress mouthing, “I’m sorry.”

Dahlia blinked. Sorry for what?

Her stomach dropped as the elevator moved up a floor. When the doors opened, she stepped out. What the hell was happening? From the corner of the hall, she saw a hallway resembling the one in the Bowery, but the vibe was off. Something’s not right here.