Page 63 of Breaking Trey

Trey rolled his shoulders and mentally prepped for the conversation with Rogue. He’d put it off for the past two weeks with Rogue dodging all the advances, but Trey was feeling the pressure from Oz now. The deal had to be solidified with the Killcreek Drifters in order to keep the shipments moving.

Trey had taken the employee entrance. It was more of a direct path to the balcony. That’s what he’d told himself. However, once he made it to the floor from the hallway, he immediately zoned in on the main bar. He saw Killian and Misti, but there was no sign of Dahlia.

Fuck! He balled his fists, fighting against the primal urges and thoughts coming from merely saying her name. Saturday night had been a mistake. It was completely out of character and a failure of his control. What the fuck was he thinking? That was the problem. Trey hadn’t thought. He acted, yielding to what he wanted without any concern for the ramifications.

He jerked his head, resisting the urge to look again. He stalked up the stairs, unprepared for the view directly in front of him and the dark eyes staring back at him. Fuck! Dahlia was standing ten feet away, stationed behind the bar on the balcony. It seemed someone had changed the schedule. And Trey knew exactly who.

Her lips were shaky as she raised her hand and wiggled her fingers. “Hi, Trey.”

Hi, Trey. It was a simple greeting, yet coming from her, it was hitting him hard in places that were perilous to their current situation. He did the only thing he could. Trey ignored her, turning away without any type of acknowledgment and walking across the balcony to the table in the far corner. It was Rogue’s usual.

There were several tables set up, but only one was used. Trey stopped at the edge of the table.

“We need to discuss Killcreek.”

Rogue glanced up, settled back in his seat, and glanced past Trey. There was only one person he could be looking at, and when Rogue smiled, Trey knew exactly who was in his line of sight.

“You want a drink first?”

Motherfucker! Any reaction would be a fatal flaw. Trey knew Rogue, how he thought, how he acted, and all his tactics. Trey wouldn’t acquiesce to any of them. Not where Dahlia was involved. He pulled out the chair and sat across from Rogue, steeling his features.

“Oz needs an answer.”

Rogue drew in a deep drag from his cigar. “Made some changes. What do you think, Trey?”

Trey was prepared to ignore him, but Rogue took it a step further, lifting his hand and snapping his fingers. It wasn’t unusual for Rogue to use a demeaning tactic such as snapping fingers to gain someone’s attention. But knowing the recipient had Trey’s blood rushing through his veins. He narrowed his gaze, glaring at Rogue, who seemed unaffected. Trey heard her padded footsteps rush forward, and from the corner of his eye, he saw her bare legs at the edge of the table.

“Whiskey,” Rogue demanded.

Trey kept his glare locked on Rogue until he noticed a slight shift and heard her. Her voice. Soft, sweet, and unsure.

“Can I get you anything, Trey?”

Rogue snorted. “Fuck, I didn’t get that offer. Anything for Trey, huh?”

Trey glanced up at her, and Dahlia’s cheeks immediately pinkened, hiding nothing. Her face was far too expressive to conceal anything. But God…so fucking gorgeous. She was exotically beautiful with her dark eyes, thick brows, and high cheekbones. Her heart-shaped face and pointed chin only accentuated her beauty.

When her gaze softened, he was quickly reminded that Dahlia was the last person he should’ve been thinking about right now.

He ground his teeth and shook his head. “I’m fine.”

When she walked away, he looked over at Rogue. Clearly, he was taking joy in this scene. He was also hoping for some type of reaction. It was a game to Rogue. Unfortunately for him, Trey was an unwilling player.

Trey folded his arms. “Killcreek.”

Rogue’s jaw squared, and his features tightened. “I’m still fucking thinking.”

“There’s nothing to think about. It’s as good as done. We just need to work out the details to confirm the deal.”

“Making deals with fucking psycho trash? Is that where we fucking are, Trey?”

Your narcissism is showing, Rogue.

“Do you have an alternative plan?” Trey raised his brows. “If so, I’m open to hearing it. But let me remind you that the initial deal you invested in cost us over fifty grand in delays, not to mention overtime for security doing a job that should have included you with a shovel in your hand.”

Rogue’s glare hardened. It was the truth, and he knew it.

“Call Gunner. We’ll talk to East.”