Page 49 of Breaking Trey

“As you pointed out, she’s no different from Sloane.”

Rogue grabbed his drink, chugged it, and took a seat again, this time across from Trey. The long stretch of silence was a calculated move on Rogue’s part. People didn’t enjoy silence during a confrontation. It usually meant something bigger was coming. A calm before the storm. Trey knew the tactic well and used it often.

Rogue glanced at the doorway and slowly faced Trey again. The corner of his mouth curled. “She’s got a nice ass. Thinking the tits are real and big enough to fuck.” Rogue held up his hand and slowly made a fist. “Long hair, wrap it twice, maybe three times. Bet she’d beg you to yank fucking hard. Thinking that pussy has seen some miles with East, but her gag reflex control must be incredible.”

Trey wouldn’t take the bait. He smirked, angling his head. “Are you done?”

“Yeah.” Rogue snorted, shaking his head. He stood and started across the room. When he got to the doorway, he glanced back. “For now.”

Rogue walked out, and Trey silently cursed. This wasn’t over for him or for Dahlia. Rogue was like a dog with a bone and no rules. Trey could handle himself against Rogue. But he had his doubts about Dahlia.


Chapter Nine


Dahlia double-timed it down the sidewalk and practically ran up the driveway to the back of the Bowery, narrowly escaping a car pulling into one of the spots. It would have been a good excuse for being late, but not one she wanted to use. She rounded the building, rushing up to the employee entrance. She knocked on the door, taking a moment to catch her breath. She’d been issued a keycard when she’d started, and somehow, with the day’s events, she’d left it on the kitchen counter. Murphy’s Law was in full effect.

I really need a car. It was on her list, but Dahlia was mainly focused on paying her rent and utilities and securing a roommate. The task was proving to be harder than she thought. There were very few options, and without being able to do a background check, she was wary of most applicants. Considering her previous roommate, she was overly cautious and a bit scared. While her financial situation had done a complete one-eighty since she’d started at the Bowery, paying for a two-bedroom house was a waste of her money. She had other things she needed.

She knocked again and pressed her ear to the door. It was impossible to hear anything through the heavy metal. She pounded with her fist and nervously shifted on her feet. She refused to check her phone for the time, knowing she was at least five minutes late.

She searched the lot for Sloane’s car. Hopefully, one call to her friend would get her in. But instead of finding Sloane’s car, she found herself staring back at her boss. Oh shit! He was the last person she wanted to run into showing up late to her shift. Trey stood a few feet away, staring back at her. Dahlia slowly turned, forcing a smile, though she knew her lips were too shaky to pull it off.

“Hi, Trey.”

His brows dipped and skimmed over her body. She’d always been comfortable in her own skin and never shied away from showing it, but under his stare, she found herself shrinking slightly. It wasn’t the first time he’d seen her in her uniform, and she hadn’t changed anything about her look, but something about how his gaze heated sent a shiver over her skin.

“You’re late,” Trey said, glancing up at her.

Dahlia nodded her head at rapid speed, fumbling over her words. “I know. I’m so sorry. I missed my first bus, and the next one was five minutes late. And I forgot my keycard at home.”

Trey arched his brow and angled his chin to the side door reserved for him and Rogue. She followed close behind and caught herself from plowing into his back when he stopped short to punch in the code. Trey grabbed the handle and stepped back, allowing her to walk ahead of him. She tightened her lips, holding her smile at bay. It was a small gesture that didn’t mean anything personal, but she liked it. It was gentlemanly and something she didn’t experience often.

“Thank you,” she said and stepped to the side of the foyer. He passed, walking down the long hall. He stopped midway at the door leading to the opposite side of the building. The one I’m supposed to be on. It was controlled by a code that she didn’t know.

She wasn’t sure what provoked her. Maybe it was the close proximity, maybe it was his kind gesture of opening the door, or maybe it was just the truth refusing to lay low.

“I haven’t seen you in a few days.”

He stopped at the door, glancing down at her. “Have you been looking?”

Yes! It almost felt like flirty banter. This was where Dahlia felt most comfortable. Not necessarily flirting but the easy conversation. It put her guard down. Apparently a little too much.

“I’m not sure my answer would be appropriate, considering you’re my boss.”

The second the words left her mouth, she felt the heat shoot up to her face. Why did I say that? Sure, it was the truth, but not something she should be verbalizing to him! It was hard to tell how Trey had taken the comment. His eyes immediately gazed over her head. She was mildly aware of footsteps coming from behind but didn’t have the chance to look. She felt his hand wrap over her hip, his fingers digging into her flesh and shifting her closer to the wall. And essentially a few inches away from Trey. She was so close she could smell his cologne. It was a smoky, woodsy fragrance. To say it was intoxicating, would’ve been an understatement. Dahlia inched closer then halted, remembering, they weren’t alone. And he’s my boss!

She glanced over as two members of security passed them. They didn’t even spare them a look and walked out the back door. Proving again that discretion was everything at the Bowery.

“Why were you late?”

Dahlia blinked, unsure she’d heard him correctly. It was completely out of left field. He was doing the gentlemanly thing by changing the subject, and she cocked her head, smiling. He was also still touching her.

“It’s a long story. I’m sure you don’t want to hear it.”

“If I didn’t, I wouldn’t ask.”