Page 25 of Sloth

Garrett brushed a hand over my forehead. “It will get better in a moment.” He then freed his erection from my mouth.

I panted my discomfort and coughed miserably into the bed.

God, this was awful. Some part of me knew Bo was punishing me, but I seriously felt it wouldn’t have been any better even if he had gone slow and gentle. Was this why no one had physical sex in my city? This must be why my people were artificially inseminated.

Huck’s talented fingers continued to play over my clit, as if to rub the pain into pleasure. While it was a nice distraction, it didn’t do much to quell the painful fullness of Bo’s cock crowding my internal organs.

“We’re not done yet, Cedi.” Bo ground out. “But I am done playing nice.

“Hold on,” Garrett ordered before smoothing my hair and addressing me. “Here, baby. Put this back in your mouth so you can have something else to concentrate on.”

I dutifully parted my lips, and groaned sharply against Garrett’s hard flesh when Bo withdrew and thrust hard into me again. And again. And again.

I whimpered.

“Shh, shh, shh,” Garrett soothed, cradling my head. “Let’s set a steady pace. Breathe through your nose. Just focus on me and Huck’s hand. We want you to enjoy this.”

“If she wants me to be gentler, she just needs to ask,” Bo added.

“Do you want him to go softer?” Garrett asked.

I met his eyes and shook my head. It would be a cold day in hell before I asked for such a thing from Bo. Not when I could tell he was trying to break me on purpose.

“You are as gorgeous as you are stubborn,” Garrett muttered.

Even with their gentle coaxing, it was hard to ignore Bo’s furious pounding. It was all I could do to hold myself up. Though the pain was less, it was intense to be used so roughly. I tried to find that place where pain and pleasure intertwined. I relaxed into their attentions.

“Do you know how tight your pussy is, naughty girl?” Bo gritted out. “You make it hard to plow this snug heat, but you will take it no matter how hard I give it to you.”

I mewled on Garrett’s girth as tingles erupted.

Bo gripped me hard and altered his angle. “Right, naughty girl? Because you would rather self-sabotage than admit you were wrong.”

My core quivered, his words winding around my sex, my inner masochist acknowledging that I both won and lost at the same time. He hurt me. He did. But I would love the pain even if I really didn’t. Because pride was also a powerful thing, and nearly as good as an orgasm.

“I’m going to come,” Garrett groaned. “Swallow it, little one.” He gripped the back of my head and held me in place. When he let out a hoarse shout, hot cum spurted down the back of my throat. Obeying his command, I swallowed quickly.

Bo continued to thrust inside me hard, at odds with the tender way Garrett was stroking the side of my face. “Good job, Cedi. That was perfect.”

“Really?” Butterflies swirled inside my belly at his praise. I felt so proud. “Thank you,” I whispered. “I’m glad I could please you.”

Unfortunately, Bo brought me abruptly out of my tender moment with his brother by slapping my ass hard.

“What the fuck was that for?” I squealed out.

He repeated the motion on my other cheek. “Because it brings me pleasure,” he gritted. “And because Garrett is trying to ruin my lesson.”

When Bo hit me hard again, I moaned. “Please, Bo, you proved your point.”

“You want me to be gentler?” When I said nothing, he did. “Huck, get up there and fill that mouth so she stops her blathering.”

This fucking asshole!

“You don’t have to suck me off if you don’t want, Cedi,” Huck assured me. “I’m happy to stay here and try to make this feel good to you.”

“I want to,” I gasped and beckoned him closer. “Your brother just wants to hurt me.”

Bo grabbed the back of my hair as he leaned over to growl in my ear. “This is nothing. I’ll be taking that ass tonight too.”