“It’s an animal.”
“So why do we call your people Sloths?”
After finishing the last bites, I rose from the table and put my plate in the washbasin. At least it seemed to have soapy water in it, and it felt steamy. Was there a small fire lit under it? I picked up the sponge and wiped it off. But how do I rinse it?
“Well?” he prompted, looming over before taking my dish from me. “Do you know or not?”
Geez. “Sloths are symbols of generosity, kindness, and patience. It’s just who we are. Just like we call you all Anachronists, or ‘old-fashions’ because…” I gestured around the cabin made of wood with no running water. “It’s who you are.”
Huck entered from outside.
Chapter Four
“Hey! You’re awake,” Huck cheered as he walked into the kitchen area. “How’s your arm?”
I looked at the new bandage. “Good.”
The man retrieved a glass from the cabinet and poured himself some water from the pitcher on the counter. How did these people survive without refrigeration?
“Acedia was telling me about her family,” Garrett replied.
Huck looked over at me. “That’s really your name?”
“Why do you all seem so shocked? It’s a common name.”
The brother, who seemed younger than both Bo and Garrett, smiled. “No reason. Just…it’s pretty.”
The lies.
“Just tell me,” I pressed. “What’s wrong with it?”
“Um, I…there’s nothing wrong with it, per se…”
I glared. “I won’t be offended. Please just tell me.”
“Do you know how to read?” Huck asked.
“Yes. Of course.”
“See that bed over there?” He pointed to a corner of the cabin that seemed to be a personal area for one of the brothers. “Next to it, you’ll see a very old book on the shelf. It’s called a dictionary. It’s very old.”
“I know what a dictionary is,” I grumbled.
“Then go look up your name,” he encouraged.
“Huck,” Garrett said quietly. “Why?”
The youngest brother shrugged. “It’s not any worse than mine.” He laughed. “I was named after a berry.”
“No, you were named after a literary character,” Garrett corrected. “I remember when mom picked it.”
I began to walk over to the shelf, but then stopped, wondering if they were fucking with me the same way they had accused me of doing earlier. “Is my name really in there?”
“It is.” Huck laughed. “I promise.”
“Huck, stop it,” Garrett said. “Don’t be mean.”
“Me? Mean?” He looked back at me. “I’m the nicest one of the three.”