Page 7 of Sloth

As we returned to the journey, I realized this one act was way more intimate than any sex I’d ever had in virtual reality— even the VR orgies where multiple people engaged me at once. Because I was wearing a dress, only a thin slip of panty fabric separated my most private center from the heat of his torso. Tingles erupted where my pussy rubbed against the hard planes of his stomach with each step he took.

In some ways, I was grateful for the break in walking. I was tired. Physically, mentally, emotionally drained. I laid my head on his shoulder. He smelled good. Like wood and mint.

The lamp was turned off again, and the men spoke in low murmurs. I closed my eyes and rested for a moment.

Chapter Three

I woke up to the smell of cooking food. I could hear it sizzling in a pan, which was strange because my android never cooked without first asking me what I wanted, and the kitchen was on the opposite end of the house.

Though it smelled amazing enough to make my mouth water and my tummy rumble, I couldn’t quite place the scent. My throat was tight, and hoarse.

“Computer, what is the android cooking in the kitchen?” I croaked.

“I’m cooking bacon and eggs,” responded a male voice.

I scrambled from beneath the warmth of the covers then pressed myself against the headboard. I had been changed out of my bloody birthday dress. I now wore some kind of cotton shirt from the old days. The bandage on my arm had been changed.

My gaze darted around the home of wood, filled with rifles and other assorted weapons, before settling on Garrett.

“Bo and Huck are out doing chores. I got babysitting duty.” Putting aside his utensil, he retrieved a glass from a cabinet and poured a clear liquid from a metal pitcher of sorts. “Glad to see you got your wits back and can speak again.” He walked over and held it out to me.

I took the glass and eyed it warily.

“Water,” he said.

I looked at the pitcher. “It is safe to drink?” It looked like it had been sitting out for a while. Weren’t there germs to be worried about?

He chuckled and went back to cooking. “Bo should have left you to your android. You are not going to be happy here.”

My rescuer’s name is Bo. Bunny-Killer is then Huck.

After committing the names to memory, I studied the water before taking a tentative sip. It tasted good. I drank more—and more. I didn’t realize how thirsty I was until the cool liquid passed my parch lips and met my dry throat.

“I’m grateful,” I murmured.

“For?” he said over his shoulder.

“The water. And for Bo not leaving me behind.”

Garrett retrieved dishes from the cabinet. “My older brother is a bleeding heart. Always has been.” He sighed. “Life is hard on the outside,” he reasoned as he plated the food. “We have technology, but only that which predated Ai software. Most we come across is obsolete or unsalvageable. The Universal Ai that took over the world made sure that we Anachronists, as you Sloths like to call us, do not have access to grid electricity or running water.”

“Why would the computer do that?”

Garrett set the two plates on a rustic table not far from the bed. “To break us down. Many eventually moved to the cities, taking their chances to enjoy creature comforts, like modern medicine.”

“I still don’t understand why my Ai attacked me. Are the aliens dangerous?”

Garrett waved me over.

The shirt was long enough to be a dress, but I managed to crawl off the bed despite the abundance of fabric. Once my feet met the floor, I padded barefoot over to him. Strangely, he moved the chair out for me. When I sat in it, he pushed me toward the table. That was some old-world chivalry there.

He sat across from me, which gave me an opportunity to really see him. Like Bo, he had those striking eyes. However, they seemed a bit softer.

“Yes, they are dangerous.”

“The aliens?”

He nodded.