Page 54 of Sloth

I cannot explain the absolute freedom I felt as the air and sun caressed my bare body. I squealed in delight when the chickens and ducks, meandering in the pasture with the other animals, gathered close to meet me at the fence the moment they noticed me.

“My pretties!”

“Cedi!” I heard Huck yell. “Wait for me.”

I didn’t even bother trying to open the gate. The flock would make it impossible to do, and I was sure that was what Huck was worried about, so I just climbed over the barrier, so no bird escaped. Though, you’d think they’d fly.


“I’m hurrying!” I yelled back. “Hold on—I’m almost done! I just need a minute.”

I ran to the coop and gathered a bucket of feed and such, and then spun in circles and rained food on all the happy birds. “Yay!” I sang.

Then I gathered more feed and went running through the pasture. “Good morning everyone!” There was something else I had to do but I couldn’t remember. “Hi, Perdy.” I gave the onery goat a good scratch. Perdy loved me much more than the guys.

It didn’t seem there was much to do today as far as work. Fernando the Bull was in another pasture. Rupert the Ram was off in the distance with the goats and sheep. It looked as if Garrett and Bo had done everything else, like filling the water tubs.

After I dumped the seed and dropped the pail, I went running back to Huck, who’d just made it to the coop. “Oh! I know! We should go pick flowers!” I announced, then ran for the gate.

“Wife! Wait!”

Ignoring his entreaties to slow my naked ass down, I raced into the field between our home and the pastures. “Let’s go climb a tree!”

“Definitely not!” I heard Huck growl as he caught up with me.

“Swimming? I’m already naked!”

“No! You need—”

“To go to the orchard and catch butterflies!”

“Cedi—Bo and Garrett are—”

“Look!” I ran and did a couple cartwheels. “We’ll have so much fun!” I was able to do a couple more cartwheels before I fell on my ass.


Laying naked on the grass, I laughed and laughed as the world spun with me. “I just made myself dizzy,” I giggled. “I’m fine.

Huck rushed over and crouched on the ground beside me. “Let’s get you up—fast—before the guys—”

I pushed my husband over on his back then crawled up his body. I straddled him. “Have you ever had sex outside?” I slurred. “I’m naked, and you’re sexy.”


“What?” I snapped over my shoulder. “Can’t you see I’m busy?”

“Where are your clothes?” Garrett demanded. “What is wrong with you?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know.” I then looked back at Huck beneath me and noted my shirt still in his hands. “Garrett doesn’t need to know about that,” I murmured with a wink. “I don’t want to get dressed. I want to do something fun. You should take your clothes off too.”

Huck looked around me, then groaned before dropping his head back and closing his eyes. “Fuck,” he muttered.

I rubbed my hands up and down his hard chest. “If I fuck you right here, right now, do you think you can build me a swing?” I leaned over and pressed my lips to his ear. “I love swings.”

Huck looked defeated. “I will build you a swing, Cedi, let’s just get you—”

“Yay!” I sat up straight and clapped.