Page 51 of Sloth

“You are being helped,” the android replied. “I am taking you back to the city.”

“Stop.” I strained my throat. “Put me down.”

“You are too weak to walk back to the city,” the robot answered.

“I do not want to go to the city. I want to go back to the farm. Put me down. Now,” I ordered more firmly.

“Cease,” the android commanded as he easily ran with me held in his arms like a small child. “We are almost to the ship.”

I tried to reason with it. “You are an android. You help people. That is your purpose. We must both go back to the farm and help the humans with their sick animals.”

“No. All Earth creatures at your prior location are well. I used sound frequencies to distract the farm animals so I could capture you without hindrance.”

“I didn’t hear anything like that.”

“The sound frequencies were too high for human ears to hear.”

Grrr. “You must listen to me, bot. You are a machine with a computer inside. Nothing more. I am ordering you to return me to the farm.”

“Current operational mode dictates that I must follow all directives issued by the program’s creators, which is to bring you to the city for processing and uploading onto the ship.”

“Fuck.” I scream in frustration. “I don’t want to be processed. I don’t want to be turned into delicacies for a bunch of alien assholes.”

“Processing is painless. There is nothing to fear.”

We burst through the tree line into the field where I had been rescued by Bo on my birthday. The robot sped us toward the city limits. My eyes focused on the hovering spaceship, which was much too close for my comfort.

“They are waiting for you,” the android said, ignoring my feeble attempt to fight. “They wish to depart immediately.”

When I turned my head in the direction the robot carried me, I noticed four tall, thin grey bodies there. Their eyes were huge, I could see the black orbs. They felt violating.

“Oh God—I’m going to vomit. I’ll choke to death in this position. Put me down so I can be sick.”

The android shocked the shit out of me by granting me my request. I wasn’t prepared for it to drop me the way it did. I hit the ground on all fours and was violently ill a second later. I puked and puked until there was nothing left in my stomach.

Trying to buy some extra time. I hacked, coughed, and choked as I tried to make myself throw up some more. I knew that my husbands would come for me. They just needed more time.

I flopped over and clutched my stomach.

I saw the four aliens, their eyes fixed on my struggles. They were eerily still. I don’t think they even breathed.

The android grabbed my arm and easily lifted me to my feet. A purple beam came from its eyes and ran over my body, leaving a shivery feeling in its wake.

What’s it doing? Whatever it was, I didn’t like it.

I renewed my struggles but his grip on my arm did not let up.

A series of beeps and mechanical whirrs came from the android as its eyes flashed. A moment later, its color turned from red to green and my arm was released. I fell back to the ground.

“You are contaminated.”

“What?” Do I dare hope? “What does that mean?”

“You have contracted a transmissible neurotropic virus that must not be allowed in the city limits. It is a fatal disease for humans. Would you like me to provide you a quick death now or would you like to choose your own painful demise at a later time?”

I look at the aliens then back at the android. They were not joking. I was going to die soon. My eyes watered. “Later. I have some things I need to do first.”

“Very well. I will sedate you once again, so you do not interfere with this shipment’s departure.” The android reached me.