Page 50 of Sloth

“Why would it do that to me? I was just trying to help it.” I held out my arm, not knowing how to clean it off. I really didn’t want poo on my clothing since it didn’t belong to me.

“It’s not personal, Cedi,” Bo offered.

“Exactly, they don’t know any better,” Garrett laughed. “It didn’t mean any harm.”

Huck passed me a hanky which I then used to gingerly wipe the mess off my hand. “We could have it for supper if you’re really offended,” the youngest suggested.

I gasped. “I don’t want to eat the cute little chicken! We should eat the sexual deviant instead.”

Garrett burst with hilarity again.

I stomped my foot. “Stop laughing at me!”

“I’m sorry, Cedi. I know this is all strange and new for you, but you will get used to how things are. Come along and I’ll introduce you to some of our friendlier critters.”

He took my hand and led me toward a group of sheep. “These girls have much better manners. One of our most sought-after trade goods is the wool they provide for us, so we’ve been slowly growing our herd.”

The sheep stood docilly as we approach. A pair meandered over to us and rubbed their heads on our legs. I giggled at the affectionate animals. “Can I pet them?”

“Yes. We bottle fed these two, so they think of us as parents.”

When I petted them, I was surprised by the texture. I thought they’d be soft. But they really weren’t. It wasn’t an unpleasant texture, just not what I’d expected. The one I was petting lifted its head up and showed its teeth to me in a weird looking smile. Was this normal?

Huck chuckled. “She likes you.”

I patted the demented looking animal on the head. “Good sheep.”

“We mostly use the barn for when the animals are giving birth. Otherwise, we leave them to pasture, as is their preference,” Garrett explained, waving me to the stables. “Come on. We must get to the village today. Let’s get the horses ready.”

We were halfway to the horses when all hell broke loose. All the animals began freaking out, like they were in pain or extremely scared. The large ones tried to jump fences, or stampede, all the fowl were running in circles, screaming, and flapping, I could hear the horses kicking and whinnying. It was loud and awful!

“Oh, fuck— get away from the animals.” Garrett rushed me over to a nearby tree and pressed me against it. “Stay here. Back against the trunk. Stay out of the open.” He took off running. “Bo! Huck!” he called loudly, running toward the upset horses that were seemingly about to hurt themselves to escape.

While distracted by the chaos ensuing around me, I failed to see the smooth metallic arm. It was too late to scream. A small pinch at the back of my neck and the world faded to nothing.

Chapter Sixteen

The world was shaking. I could feel the movement of air, like I was on a horse. I tried to open my eyes, but they failed to respond no matter how much I wanted it.

What had happened?

The farm was in turmoil. I remembered how all the animals were essentially rampaging. I stayed under the tree, pressed against the trunk, to keep from getting trampled on. Then…

I attempted to reach a hand up to rub my aching head, but found my body sluggish, not wanting to do anything my brain willed. What the fuck was wrong with me?

“You will be well soon, Acedia. That pressure point only inflicts a temporary paralysis.”

No. No. It couldn’t be.

Panic aided in getting my body to wake up.

I turned my head and my cheek brushed against a solid cool body. Though my lashes blocked most of my half-lidded vision, I found that the blurry world glowed red.

I struggled for all I was worth, begging my muscles to move. My body slowly came to life. Though weak, it followed some of my commands.

I could move my head. I could open my mouth.

“Help,” I squeaked.