Page 49 of Sloth

The guys all helped me to get dressed, with me sitting like a doll, they did my toiletries, combed my hair, perfumed me, then clothed me.

When Huck bent to slip on my flats, I was ready to stop being fussed over. I wanted to go see the animals, not be a toy to dress up.

As we headed toward the cabin door, my excitement built rapidly. If all the animals were as friendly as their horses, I knew I’d enjoy myself.

Hopefully they’re nothing like the bat, the raccoon, or the boar.

Bo’s spankings were no joke. My shirt chaffed my bottom uncomfortably with each swing of the fabric.

I was not going to say a word, but somehow Huck knew I was uncomfortable.

“Stop,” he said of the group, only steps away from the exit.

He went into the cupboard and took out a jar. He uncapped it, took a good among into his fingers, and bid me to turn around. “Willow bark to help numb the pain.”

Garrett held up my shirt-turned-dress while Huck applied the salve.

Once we were outside, my husbands led me down a path and around a bend of trees. I’d stopped in my tracks at the sight of the adorable rock and log barn that appeared. A variety of animals were grazing in a fenced area off to the side. Chicken, ducks, turkeys, and geese ran loose throughout the cows, sheep, goats, and pigs.

I squealed in excitement. “It looks just like a picture.” Remembering safety first, I didn’t simply rush toward the enclosure like I wanted. “Is it safe to pet the animals?”

“Most of our critters are friendly,” Garrett said. “You should watch out for Fernando the bull. Especially when the cows are in estrus.”

He’d pointed to a huge animal who was fenced alone from the other animals.

“Oh, and Perdy,” he added then pointed out a goat. “That one can be a bit of a diva.” He then spun around. “Hmm, I don’t see Rupert the Ram. Watch out for him too. If you turn your back on him, he might head-butt you in the ass, and it hurts like a bitch.”

I nodded, wide-eyed. It was hard to imagine.

“You should carry a stick with you when you have to go into his pen,” Huck added.

“Oh. Okay.” I really didn’t understand everything they were talking about concerning the how and whys, but I was too embarrassed to ask.

“The coops will be one of your responsibilities in the near future.” Bo pointed to a group of smaller log buildings grouped together. “Each morning you will collect the eggs, clean out the nesting boxes when needed, and feed the chickens, geese, ducks, and turkeys. Once a week you will clean out the entire coop. Think you can handle that? Someone will help you bed them down for the night.”

I nodded my head again, though he might as well have been speaking alien. Nesting boxes?

I tried not to worry. I knew they would explain more once I actually had to do the tasks.

My palm covered my mouth in shock when a rooster jumped on a much smaller chicken. Oh, my God! “Is that chicken being raped?”

Garrett turned away from me and tried to hide his laughter. He wasn’t successful.

I frowned. “It’s not funny! That poor chicken.”

Bo tried to soothed me. “Nature is brutal at times.”

Fuck that.

I rushed over to shoo the rooster away and got pecked for my trouble. “Ouch! You little asshole!” I finally succeeded in scaring the rooster away. I then scooped up the small chicken. “It’s okay, honey.”

I dropped the chicken when something warm and wet ran down my hand.

I stared at the white chicken shit.


Garrett roared with laughter.