Page 32 of Sloth

She handed me the glass. Bo’s hand hovered near mine, as if I couldn’t even take a drink without assistance. I didn’t like the feeling of inadequacy that washed over me. I tuned out the chatter between Bo and Doc, stewing in my grumpy mood.

Doc placed a hand on my knee. “Are you listening, Acedia?”

I felt my cheeks heat at being caught unaware of the conversation taking place. “Sorry Doc. Would you please repeat that?”

“Dear, we need to discuss birth control.”

“Oh. I don’t have to worry about that,” I informed the doctor.

“Yes, you do. The birth control medicine that the aliens use on Sloths will fade quickly when not being administered in your food. I imagine you will start your monthly cycle, or period, soon. Each month, you will bleed from your vagina, and I don’t want you to be afraid when it happens.”

I startled. “Every month? Won’t I die?”

Bo attempted to hide his laughter by turning it into a cough. Doc bit her lip and turned to face the wall.

I try to wrap my head around the fact that my body will go through terrifying changes now that I’m away from the android who’d cared for me.

“No, dear. You won’t die. Before the aliens came and took over human reproduction, all women went through it. Without your period, you’d be unable to have children,” Doc calmly explained.

I shook my head rapidly. “I’m okay without having children. I don’t want to bleed anywhere, never mind from my vagina. That’s sounds awful—and painful.”

She patted my hand. “Different women react differently. There may be some discomfort that might result in some pain from cramping, but you will be fine.” She stood and walked toward a cupboard. “I have some supplies that you’ll need in time, but you should probably pick up more at the dry goods store. Now, on to birth control.” She looked up at Bo. “I’m assuming she’ll be needing some?”

My face flamed once again. I glanced at Bo and noted that his face was also flushed. He jerked a quick nod.

“It’s fine, Bo. My daughter would have wanted you to find happiness again. She loved you very much.”

He swallowed hard. “I know,” he said quietly. “Melanie was always the better half of us.”

“Listen. I can’t always get my hands on the shot, but it would be my number one recommendation when you are able to get it. I have three left that I can give you for now. As a backup, use condoms unless...” she tailed off.

Bo nodded. “How much do I owe you for the visit and shots?”

Doc waved her hand through the air. “Please. You know I won’t take payment from you. Just come for a meal someday soon. John would love to see you. Bring Acedia and your brothers.” She stood up and walked to a cupboard. She filled a cloth sack with a few things and handed it to Bo.

“Thanks, Mom.” He stood up and offered me his hand.

When I placed my hand in his, he pulled me up to my feet. I wavered for a moment before finding my footing. Turning to the doctor, I attempted to smile. “Thank you for your care.”

“No problem, sweetie. That’s what I’m here for.”

Bo hugged the woman before leading me out of the office, and in turn, she hugged me. “It was so nice to meet you. You have a great man here.”

“I know,” was all I could think to say.

There was a heavy silence between us as we left the office, with my companion lost in his thoughts. Bo was obviously a widower. As much as I wanted to ask about the woman who held his heart, I didn’t pry. I remained quiet as we walked down the wooden sidewalk.

Unable to help myself, I turned this way and that, gawking at the simple buildings. Some were of planked wood, and some of round logs. Some seemed made of brick. Some of a combination.

They were charming in their uniqueness. It the city, the buildings looked alike, as they were built by bots.

We crossed the somewhat paved dirt road to a large building with a red door.

“I want you to pick out the things that you’ll need to live comfortably with us. We brought enough to trade for a few outfits, anything girly you need for that time of the month, and maybe a few pretty knickknacks.”

“I don’t need anything,” I assured him. “I can make do.”

“Will I need to repeat myself, Acedia?”