Page 29 of Sloth

“You say that now. Wait until it rains and your soaked and cold.”

His wink told me he was joking.

I took a deep breath, enjoying the sweet smell of nature. The sky appeared a clearer blue. We just never got to enjoy the outside like this in the city. Everyone always wanted to stay inside or hang out in virtual reality.

A stag ran across the path in front of us. “Look!” I squealed, excited to see yet another animal I’d only ever seen in photos. “It’s so beautiful.”

Huck chuckled. “You’ll see all kinds of critters out here.”

I leaned my head against Garrett’s shoulder, content to look and learn about this new world I found myself in. He went on to explain which animals frequented the area and what they were good for. He spent a lot of time talking about the many ways he liked to prepare them.

I stood when the village came into view. “Oh wow!”

“Sit down, woman.” Bo commanded. “You’ll fall out and break your neck.”

“Yes, sir.” I quickly complied. As much as I enjoyed the night prior on some level, I really didn’t want a dick in my ass again so soon.

Garrett side-eyed his brother then cleared his throat. “Good girl,” he quietly complemented. “Always remember safety first.”

“I will. Thank you.” I smiled and blushed. They really were handsome in that wild lumberjack way. I then leaned over to whisper to Huck, “Is Bo always so grouchy?”


“No,” Bo countered. “I’m quite happy at the moment.”

It was hard to stay seated when there was so much I wanted to see better, but rather than push my luck, I stayed “safe” and disappointed. I figured there would be time to explore in the future.

There were people out and about, just like in the city, though mostly on foot. There were a couple of people on bikes. The village seemed situated on a river, which apparently housed a watermill of sorts.

Huck slowed down in front of a little building. Bo tied up his horse, as did Garrett. Then Garrett climbed into the cart.

“Come here,” Bo called. “I’ll help you down.”

I stood and moved to where Bo waited. He grasped me around my waist and lifted me off the cart. As I slid down his body, and my toes touched the ground, he studied me. We shared an awkward moment of sorts. Not a bad one. It just seemed too tender for the hardened expression he’d carried all morning. His hands lingered on my hips.

“We’ll head to the dry goods store. You can meet us there when you finish up here,” Garrett said as he and Huck drove off.

Bo swept a stray lock of hair from my eyes. “Garrett says I need to be nicer to you.”

I nodded. “Only if you want to be. Don’t change for me. If you don’t think I deserve to be treated nice—”

He placed a finger over my lips. “Point made, Acedia. Of course you deserve to be treated well. I tried to tell you that last night at dinner.”

I lifted my brow in question, since one arm was around my waist and his finger was still sealing my mouth.

“You are so innocent. I love and hate that. I love that the world is still a good place in your eyes, even after all that has happened to you. And I hate it because I fear you don’t realize how dangerous this world really is. That is why I am so hard on you.”

I carefully took his wrist in both of mine and gently tugged his finger away. “I have you to protect me.”

“That scares me too. I fear failing you.”

I gave him a hug. “It will be okay.”

He hugged me back and kissed the top of my head. He then put his arm around me to guide me into the door of the small building.

Physician’s Office.

“I don’t need a doctor,” I expressed.