Page 19 of Sloth

“She’s a virgin,” came up from beneath the floorboards.

“No, I’m not,” I countered loudly. “Far from it. I’ve had sex many times.”

“Someone please explain to her that virtual reality sex is not the same thing as real sex.”

“Oh, my God,” Garrett wheezed. “This—this…”

Bo sat next to me on the bed and addressed his brother with a glare. “Go finish laundry for me.”

“Aww man, you’re going to make me miss this?”

“Close the floor up on your way out.”

“You two are no fucking fun.” Garrett slammed the opened floor panel on his way out the door. “Not sure how I ended up with you and Huck as brothers. This shit is hilarious.”

Once the door closed and it was just Bo and me, I shrugged. “Huck says he’s not interested, but he seemed aroused.”

“Acedia. Sex in person is not like virtual reality.”


“The brain might be the largest erogenous zone in the human body, but there are physical aspects that are missing from virtual reality, like pain.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I know,” he soothed, “and that’s okay. You will understand one day.”

“But I want to feel good. I’m antsy.”

“Look, do me a favor. Take a nap. Let me and my brothers finish chores. Huck is right downstairs if you need anything. We can resume this discussion after dinner.”

I stuck out my bottom lip to pout. “Fine. I’m not tired though.”

Bo moved the hair from my eyes. “Will you try for me?”

Cue melting heart. How could I not? “Okay.”

“Thank you.” Bo then got up, closed all the curtains to dim the cabin, and left out the back door.

I snuggled into the covers. These men, while nice, where a bit backwards. Hangups on things like sex were a problem of the past.

Chapter Six

I awoke to the smell of dinner. When I opened my eyes, I saw the men in the kitchen, preparing the meal and setting the table.

The sun had set, making me realize that I had slept the whole day away. Strange because I could sleep more if I wanted.

“May I use your restroom?”

Bo nodded. “Sure. It’s out back.”

“Excuse me?”

“It’s an outhouse—it’s out back. It’s easy to use. Just put a scoop of hydrated lime into the hole when you leave. It’s in a pail with a lid. Oh—and try to avoid inhaling the dust. It’s caustic.”

I had heard of such things, but never expected to use one in my lifetime. What’s next? Would I be attending a joust? Should I prepare for the possibility of plague?

“Let me get you a shirt,” he added.