Page 12 of Sloth

“What are you doing?” Bo asked.

Memories of the previous night fluttered through my brain, my heart skipped beats as my determination was replaced with a welling sense of anxiety and doom.

“I…am, um…”

“Don’t bother,” Garrett advised. “He already knows. He just wants to see if he needs to add lying to your punishment.” He chuckled and looked at Huck. “See? Now I’m the nicest brother.”

I peeked over at the two siblings at the table and narrowed my gaze. “Punishment? Why? I didn’t do anything wrong… um, yet.” I looked back at Bo. “Am I in trouble?”

The way he stared me down spoke volumes.

“You’re not supposed to leave the house for the next three days,” Garrett offered.

“I already had to shoot one android today,” Huck added.

I spun around. “Wh—what?”

The youngest shrugged. “See? We look to spare you these hard, scary truths—”

“Shut up,” Garrett interrupted. “This all started because you told her to look her name up in the dictionary—”


“She was content to chill here until you came home and gave her a vocabulary lesson—”

“Enough,” Bo ordered.

Though he’d said that quietly, the edge in his tone was enough to make me jump. Both younger men fell silent.

Bo then looked down at me. “Find a corner. Put your nose in it.”

“What? Why?”

“Because I said so.”

I blinked at him. “I’m twenty-one years old.”

“And when you act that age, I will treat you as such.”


“What did I tell you last night?”

What I say goes. Always. Understand? If I give you directions, you follow them to the letter. Immediately. This is not up for debate. You will simply obey without question. If you don’t, there will be consequences, and you will not like them.

“To obey you,” I whispered.

“Correct,” he quietly replied for my ears only. “So are you going to do as I told you? Or do I need to up the consequence?”

Dammit. There was that feeling again. My need to not disappoint the man in front of me. “I’m not scared of you,” I declared under my breath.

“You should be.”

“Why? Are you going to hurt me?”

“I will if it means getting my point across.”

There went my eyes tearing again. “Why must it be this way?”