Jen snorts and stands up abruptly. “Okay. What about Claire?”
“What about her?” I ask, annoyed with the sudden change of subject.
“Can I call her from your phone, to tell her what’s going on? I can’t find my cell. If the word got out, she’ll hear about everything at school. She’ll be sick with worry.”
“I took your cell. Safer that way,” I inform her and watch as her lip curls up in disdain before I pass her my phone.
“You can make one phone call. Tell her the most important things, but don’t share any details. Don’t tell her where you are. You don’t know who’s listening, and everybody knows you two are close. She’ll be the first one to get questioned about your whereabouts. Knowing too much could put her in danger.”
She nods absentmindedly, already clicking on the phone before locking herself in my bedroom. I scratch my chin as I stare at the closed door. I have to help her, I can’t back out now, but damn is she testing my patience.
“Claire, it’s me,” I whisper as soon as my best friend picks up.
“Jenny? Oh my God, Jenny!When you didn’t come to school, I didn’t think much of it, assuming your dad got angry again and you couldn’t show your face. But then I heard people whispering about something, and they were giving me strange looks. Stranger than usual. I eavesdropped on girls in the bathroom talking about you, and the stuff they were saying was crazy. Crazier than usual. Then after the first period, the police came to question me! It was just like in the movies, Jenny! It was scary, but also super exciting. Where are you?”
“Claire, breathe, babe. I can’t tell you where I am.” I sit down on Brody’s bed and massage my aching head. “It’s all so messed up. My father...” My voice breaks and I quickly wipe the unwanted tear escaping my eye.
“It’s bad, isn’t it? Are you okay?” she asks, her voice heavy with concern.
“It was bad, I got really hurt this time,” I admit. “Claire, I... I’ll have to disappear for a while. Things got so dangerous and... complicated, I can’t tell you over the phone, and I don’t know when it will be safe for me to come and see you or even call you again.”
“I’m not leaving permanently. It’s only temporary until everything settles,” I rush to reassure her.
She sniffles on the other end of the receiver and answers in a heartbroken voice. “I knew this day would come. You were never safe, Jenny. I’m sorry I couldn’t help you. Should have been more assertive and talked to my dad about taking you in. I should’ve done something.”
“Nothing that happened is your fault, do you hear me? My father is a piece of shit, and it’s all on him. He’s the one making me run away. Not you, never you.”
Claire continues as if I haven’t spoken. “I did this. I hate myself so much, Jenny. If I wasn’t so messed up, I would’ve helped you. Instead, I turned a blind eye, glad that you had only me to escape to, meaning you couldn’t leave me. I felt needed. Don’t you see it? My doctors, my father, even my stupid therapist, they are all right about us being toxic! But they are mistaken about me being the one who’ll get hurt, it’s you who was in danger all along. And now I will lose you forever!”
I hear my friend wailing uncontrollably, and my heart breaks for her. Hearing her pain through the phone breaks the dam on my own tears and I start crying too.