“Motherfucker,” I growl as I rub my forehead.
“Exactly my thoughts. I didn’t get on the scene, but I heard it was a mess. The place was trashed. They claim she was drugged and enraged with her parents trying to discipline her.” It’s my colleague’s turn to snort at his own words before he continues. “I know the girl has some issues, but it’s hard to believe she could cause all the damage on her own. I mean, we’re talking about overpowering an ex-military man and her mother at the same time.”
“Yeah...” I grouse and stand up. “Thanks for the call, man. I appreciate the info.”
“Don’t know what you’re talking about, brother. We’re just two police officers talking about police stuff. Anyway, gotta go. Take care, man.”
“Thanks, Diaz. You too,” I mutter and end the call.
“Fuck.” I tug on my hair in frustration before leaving my bedroom. I find Jen sitting on the coffee table, her head tilted in question.
“What’s up with you and sitting on the furniture,” I complain before going back to the kitchen.
She gets up to trail after me. “Was the call about me?”
I pretend not to hear her and bend to open the fridge before asking in a casual voice, “Bacon and eggs fine?”
Jen scoffs and nudges my thigh with her foot after sitting on the counter again. I glance up at her. “Don’t say you’re fucking vegan or something.”
I have to hide my smile when she rolls her eyes dramatically. “Bacon and eggs are fine. But you didn’t answer my question.”
“What question was that?”
“Oh my God, you’re annoying!” she whines, making me smirk.
“So you admit it’s annoying when someone doesn’t answer your direct question?” I ask evenly.
“You’re insufferable,” she informs me.
“And you’re a brat,” I clip back with no heat.
“Whatever, old man.” She sticks out her tongue at me and jumps down from the counter, taking a seat at the table to wait for breakfast.
I shake my head and get busy preparing the food. I get us both a plate before sitting down across from Jen and digging into my eggs. After a moment of hesitation, she picks up her fork and starts eating too, casting glances at me here and there, but I ignore her completely and enjoy the momentary silence until I can.
When we’re both finished, I clean everything up and then walk into the living room, ordering Jen to follow me with a jerk of my head. I sit down on the couch, resting my elbows on my thighs, and Jenny takes a seat opposite me in the armchair, her face tense.
“Earlier, that was a call from the station. Your father is not playing around. He claims that you have attacked him and your mother, and then stole some money before splitting. The police are currently looking for you to bring you in for questioning.”
“What?!” Jen gapes at me in disbelief.
“Yeah. It doesn’t look great. So, I think you have two options. The first option is going to a hospital, getting your injuries on the official record, and filing a counterclaim against your father.”
“But then it’s my word against his, right?”
I shift uncomfortably. “More than that, it’s your word against both of your parents. Your mother supports his version for now.”
“Of course she does. I’m not even surprised at this point. So, what’s the other option?”
“You hide and wait it out,” I offer reluctantly.
“Okay. Option b it is then.” Jen slaps her thighs with her palms and moves to stand up but I stop her with my hand.
“Wait. It’s not that simple. We have to think it through. For now, you’re safe here and no one knows you’re still in town. So, we have a day or maybe two to come up with something. You can sleep on the couch, I don’t mind. But you’re a minor that will need to get back to school at some point, I don’t want you to miss out too much. I have some trusted people I can reach out to, and maybe they will be able to offer you a place. We can work on getting you emancipated from your parents. But I need some time to figure out how to make them drop the charges first.”
“I’ll be eighteen in a couple of months. And I don’t give a fuck about school. I probably wouldn’t even graduate at this point. Can’t I just lie low until I’m an adult? Earlier, you said my father did some bad stuff, I’m assuming it’s something illegal. Can’t we just blackmail him to drop the charges, and I would go on my merry way?”
“Leave your father to me. I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you more than that. There’s a certain way to do things. Meanwhile, I want you to be safe and finish school, that’s what we’ll be focusing on.”