“Yes, you idiot,” Annie slaps him behind the head.
“That was epic,” David raves.
“I love you guys. We did it.” We screech in hollers and laugh with another shared hug.
“I’m so proud of you guys.” We hear Layla from outside the circle. We open up and pull her in.
“Ok ok you crazies let me go.” She swats at us while breaking apart.
The others scatter to the wings watching the rest of the show and I head the same direction but Layla stops me.
“Mel, sweetie, so I decided to do a little thing for you to get more personal with your fans.”
I lean in. “I’m sorry what?” Confused by the meaning. Did I miss something? She motions for us to step somewhere where we can hear each other clearly.
"I did a raffle for a fan to win a one-on-one with you after the show.” I perk up.
"Oh, ok. That’s a great idea. I can’t wait to meet them.” I try to head back where everyone else is enjoying the show but Layla grabs my hand. Oh, we’re not done. Why is she being so weird?
"Actually, they requested to meet you after your set?”
I give her a stern look. Is she crazy? I don't want to miss this. Also, I’m on for the last number she knows that. I try to push for it to be later.
“Mel, just— please.” She asks kindly.
My brows pull together with worry and confusion.
“Where am I meeting them?” She sighs in relief that I don’t fight more on the request.
“By the Burning Barrels,” she says smiling.
I push the door from backstage opening up to the lobby of the stadium and quickly out the door leading to the parking lot and fast pace to the barrels. It’s dead out here other than the few lingering doing clean up while everyone is inside. I see a tall shadow figure standing in front of the barrels. My throat goes dry. My hands start with jitters again. I bring them in front of me trying to rub them away. This walk feels like a mile long. I’m staring at my boots glistening by the flames and what's left of the sky light.
I’m about to look up when I catch the scent of sandalwood.
It can’t be.
There’s no way.
I stall to look up trying not to get my hopes up. I swallow what moisture I can get and push the lump in my throat down. Keeping my eyes closed I raise my head, opening them I begin blinking one too many times.
In slow motion he turns. I can’t move. So instead, he moves, walking closer grabbing my hand in his, our eyes never turning away.
"Boots, I knew from the moment on the playground that you were it for me. I hate myself for how long it took me to realize it. But I didn’t know you were going to change my whole world and leave me before I got the chance to make you mine. I was so mad at you and when you came back I wanted you to hurt the way I did when you left. But that’s the thing, I thought I wanted to hurt you but it was just me guarding my heart because what I really wanted to do was love you and to tell you I’ve always been in love with you. Ever since the first dandelion.”
He’s here and still spilling his love for me.
He lifts up his hand and tucks my hair behind my ear resting his hand on the crook of my neck, his thumb grazing my cheek. He moves closer and my arms grab on to his waist.
For the first time in a long time I can see him. My cowboy.
“If you let me. I will spend every waking hour making it up to you. And If you’ll have me, I will never stop loving you.”
I’m at a loss for words.