“I’m trrryyiinnggg.”
“Alright when we finalize the details on the event we need to make a date where I have you and the rest of your band on my Podcast.” I’m mid chew on my Las Vegas sushi roll with my eyes closed moaning in satisfaction not registering Alex's statement.
“Mel, sweetie do you and your fish friend need to be alone?” I quickly grab another roll releasing another moan.
“Hhmmmagggod this is fucking heaven.” I say out loud, thankful we decided to make our order to go and bring back to the condo.
“I don’t think you want them on air babes, they are chaos.”
She smirks at me with her spicy California roll between her fingers because she says chopsticks are just a waste of time.
"Please, I thrive in chaos.”
I’m thankful for how busy I’ve been recently but he’s always still somewhere in my mind. Did he hear my song? Does he like it? Is he going to come to the Rally? All questions I don’t ask out loud because I’m too scared for the answers.
He told me he couldn’t do it anymore.
We both hurt each other beyond anything in this world and I’m the product of someone who ruined his world. Alex doesn’t pester me anymore on Rhett since I told her about everything between us from the good, the in-betweens, the bad and the ugly. I finally told her about my confession at the lake with Rhett, how at one point I felt like dying to escape my father. That was a heavy conversation to have with her that resulted in lots of tears, yelling and jokes of her saying, “Bitch, if you’re dying, I’m dying with you.” Got to love dark humor.
I need to hurry up and find my outfit I’m going to wear for the Rally. A month away and all I have is several saved photos from every possible boutique Nashville has to offer. I have this vision but everywhere I’ve looked I just don’t have that awe feeling, and I refuse to settle for anything less especially now that I have money I can splurge on myself without guilt.
The band and I have been knocking out songs left and right building our first ever album up to perform. Sometimes I don’t feel like this is real and it probably won’t till the moment I’m on that stage looking out to the crowd. Having people on the downtown Nashville strip call me out asking for a photo or an autograph definitely has an effect on me. But so many celebrities live in Nashville that the excitement lives for a solid ten minutes then everyone goes about their day like it's just a normal thing. As much as I love downtown Nash, I don’t love it enough to live there.
I pull up to my secluded condo twelve miles off the strip and just sit outside, not pulling into the one car garage taking a moment to try and convince myself this is real and not a dream. I fell absolutely in love with this place just from photos alone online, the brick and contemporary architecture that gives me all the feels of Texas.
Using my share of money we got from selling our fathers vintage cars, I put a downpayment the moment I walked through the door before the realtor even gave me a tour. I all but threw my wallet at her when seeing the closet. Small elongated walk-inwith the width ability to have a bench directly in the middle and built in shelves on one side, and the opposite with two levels of clothing rods. Before pulling into the garage, I look at my front porch and see a package in front of my door. I hurry parking my truck enclosing it inside then head through the condo to the front.
Peeling back the tape I open the cardboard box revealing a perfectly wrapped yellow gift box with a white ribbon wrapping into a beautiful bow in the center. Removing it, I place the gift on my island and grab the mini envelope just under the bow.
Good luck.
Can’t wait to see you live your dream.
I’m staring at the utmost stunning boots ever and not just any boots. My dream ones that I have saved in all forms on my Pinterest board.
Me: I can’t believe you did this for me, Al!
Goose: Well, you better believe it.
Goose: Tell me what I did again?
I hit the camera in the bottom of my screen and extend my arm to take a selfie of me holding the boots and kissing the side of them.
Ok, now I really need to find my outfit.
Chapter twenty-six
“This is the moment. Right?”
Chasing the sun with broken wings,
Wasted oil turned to wasted dreams.
“That was The Druthers with their hot new single Wasted Oil heard right here on KXOX FM 96.7 country radio.”
She did it. She actually did it.