God If only. That movie still confuses me no matter how many times I try to watch it.
Preach. Like give me both pills and let’s ride the crazy train together. Anyways off-track sorry guys. Ok first, babes I have seen first hand what you’ve gone through and I’m still in awe over your strength. You can tell you put your heart and soul into these songs which brings me to the second thing, My best friend is putting on an Event this coming May as a concert where all proceeds go to local Mental Health Awareness programs for local communities.
Tell us all the plans that you can right now.
Yes, so excited. Ok so May is Mental Health Awareness Month right ? So I’m putting together a concert along with vendor booths of all sorts affiliated with mental health. Merch of all kinds and of course food trucks because what kind of festival doesn’t have food trucks. At the moment I'm currently on the lookout for other artists, but I already have an idea who, I’m just waiting to hear back.
Which brings me to ask….
Alex, my person. Will you host and stream on your channel?
*gasp* Like you have to ask. Ok I’m dying at how much I love this already. Ok ok so what is this whole thing called?
Southern Sorrow Support Rally. I built this dream off my own sorrow and instead of letting it overcome and take me down I decided to be the voice for those who are too scared to speak out. I want everyone to know they are enough and everything will be ok and Music does it for me so why not spread the love the best way I know how.
Yes babe. I can’t wait to help with this. To all my loves out there it’s ok to feel lost, give yourself some rest. Your stories not over yet.
Alright guys that's all for now. Stay tuned ,we will have Mel back soon with more on Southern Sorrow Support Rally.
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Chapter twenty-five
“Bitch if you’re dying I’m dying with you”
Over the past it has been quite possibly the most turbulent year of my life I prevailed in the end and started the new year with a completely different look on life. I grieved in my own way at the loss of both my parents.
Hate, because of my father.
Guilt, for still having love for him after everything he’s done not only to me but others.
Regret, for avoiding home and neglecting my mother and brother.
Pain, I have these constant pangs in my chest.
My mother’s gone. I'll never get to hear her voice again, never get to hold her in my arms, see her smile.
I cried for the life I know she lived and I cry even harder for the life she doesn’t. But I’m learning to accept that she's gone, by it being her choice.
I can’t say the same for Xavier though. I can feel my brother slowly slipping into a darkness I’m not sure how to get him out of. He had the company thrown at him in hopes he catches it, but with the name tainted because of our monster of a father and all his doings in keeping it running. I can see it killing him in whether to let the company go or rebuild from the ground up. He may not have been the reason for every lawsuit filed against Alvarez Oil but being as he was named next of kin, it’s all fallen to him. I made a promise to him, myself and our mother I would not let him go through life alone.Alex has helped since she is back home and closer to him so she checks on him if not by herself, then through her brother RJ.
“OH MY GOD, Mel. Do you remember that Instagram page I follow, The Broken Circle Soap Co.?” Alex practically jumps off the couch only to fall back down facing me.
The night the band and I played my song for the first time at The Bluebird Cafe our manager Layla recorded us so she could share on our Youtube page along with send outs for us to get signed with a label. The next morning I woke up to her banging on our front door barging in with champagne saying we are the new members of the Three Little Birds Record Label.
The moment I called Alex telling her the news, she and my brother flew out the following week to celebrate, and one too many drinks later we came up with the idea of how we would announce our partnership with the label to the world.
Which brings us to now. Alex flew in yesterday and the moment she got in we turned the living room in my condo into a full blown work zone with notepads, sticky notes and our noses in our laptops.
"How could I forget, you share on your stories every time they post and send me a DM ‘omg these soaps smell so good you’d want to eat them or my personal favorite ‘the lip scrub has made my lips so scrumptious.” I remember her talking and praising so much about there stuff, I called her dramatic and the bitch straight up kissed me.
“Oh come on, you know I love proving you wrong and you loved that kiss.” She air kisses me with a wink. But she did in fact prove me wrong because my purse now houses their coconut and almond sugar scrub and matching balms.
I look back up at her from my laptop pinching my eyebrows together unsure what the dramatics was for and where she’s going with it. She’s eyeing me like I can somehow read her mind. I give her the fucking spit it out already look. She moves, tucking her legs on the couch and gives me these crazy eyes.