Seriously please, I'm asking for a friend.
It’s me. I’m the friend.
Breathe Mel you got this. This was what you were born to do. What you've worked your ass off for. It’s right there in reach. Now Jump.
Last deep breath through my nose, I release the heaviness from my chest.
"Thank you everyone, our new song Dandelion Fields is now available everywhere. Remember to follow us on all socials. This is the first of many new songs to come.”
Holy Shit Balls.
We just performed on The Bluebird Cafe’s Stage.
The same stage shared with so many huge country artists to date.
Once we make our way off the small stage for the next performer I'm instantly embraced by the one who made this night possible.
“Beautiful, my gorgeous girl! That song made everyone out there about cry,” Layla says, as she pulls up the video she took of us, plus the people that were crying.
“Wooo Weeee,sugar! That was one hell of a song!” David kisses my cheek as he passes out water bottles.
“Honey, I think this is it. I think this is the next step into your stardom.” Layla gets called away leaving me to relax.
“Into our stardom,” I corrected her.
I feel my phone vibrate, Xaviers name shining through the screen. Hmmm? That's weird. He’s not the calling type and barely the texting type.
“Hermanito? Whats up?” The silence on the other end is deafening as the growing nausea in my stomach doubles.
His voice is hoarse. Oh god.
“X please— what's going on?”
“They’re dead, Mel. Both of them are dead.”
The world slows around me, I hear faintly Layla talking to the band but all I can think about is that my world is crashing down. I drop to my knees a curdling scream ripping through my throat.
My mother is dead.
Right away David is by my side bringing me in while I cry into his shirt combing his hand in my hair to soothe me. Annie picks up the phone asking X what happened.
She’s dead.
My mother is gone.
My father. Gone.
"Now boarding flight 373 to Dallas, Texas.”
I never thought I would be going back after what happened, but here I am once again, this time flying home. Sadly, I won't be greeted by my mother, Instead I will be greeted with death.
Chapter twenty-two
“ We can’t do this anymore.”