Page 79 of Wasted Oil

The moment I walked through the door to David’s condo my phone vibrates from my jacket pocket.I swear if it’s my mother again I will turn off my phone. I look down at the screen to see thankfully it’s not.


“Oh no, whose ass I gotta kick?” Alex says knowing already that I’m not in the mood to talk.

“Take one guess?”

“David? I mean I wont like to kick his beautiful ass, but I will with a smile on my face.”

I laugh, she legit has a schoolgirl crush on him.

“No Goose! Not him!”

“Oh thank god! My cowboy book boyfriend image would be ruined.”

“Actually it's Andres, I had dinner with them. Mama had come to my gig yesterday and surprised me saying that they were in town for a meeting or a conference of some shit and then proceeded to ask me to go to dinner with them.”

I hear a long sigh and a muffled fuck and ruffling of blankets knowing she’s still in bed at this time.

"What happened?”

I tell her everything from when I got there, to the failure, to him saying that Rhett sold the farm.

“What? Rhett didn’t sell the farm. Rox hasn’t said anything either. I just saw Ms.Grace at the farmers market she was selling and thriving—” She pauses. “—while on the topic of a certain family, How are you holding up?”

I let out a sigh, throwing my head back.

“I miss him. And I hurt like hell everyday. Nothing that I do helps, It’s like I lost a piece of me when he— did what he did.”

I wait for her to talk, I know she hates seeing me like this but still I can't help it.

“Mel, I'm gonna give you some tough love and I need you to listen. You both fucked up. He played you, strung you along and for that I want to kick his ass. But I also want to kick yours. You ran. Again. You, my love, are a runner, and I strongly suggest that you and him need to call it. I know it hurts but maybe it’s just not meant to be, and it was just meant to be a moment.”

My eyes close shut taking in her words.

Although I don’t want to hear it, I know she’s right.

“You’re right.”

“I hate that I am, but use this for writing that epic song. I know it’s there and don’t song writers use their emotions or break ups for inspo? This is like good shit.”

I go to sit on my bed, sitting a little taller, feeling a sense of confidence wash over me. I channel my inner Taylor Swift for this moment.

“Listen, I have to go Goose! I have the juices flowing and I need to write before it’s gone. I love you and I’ll talk to you later!”

She says her goodbye hanging up. I have an idea.

Pushing and pulling apart

This wasn’t how I wanted to start

The thought of us forever,

Chasing the sun with broken wings—


I sit back placing my guitar on the side of me.