Ok, maybe a little but they helped turn any emotion to just numbness. It doesn’t take him long before he is in the truck and tearing out of there like a man on a mission. Aye mi vida , aye dios. What the hell is he doing to me? I should be angry and repulsed but all I want to do is crawl next to him and say I forgive you, to please let it be our time and tell me you really do love me and it wasn’t all an act.
Five minutes into the drive, I look over to him and see him white knuckling the steering wheel, his jaw clenching and his eyes straight ahead on the road before him. Just as fast as the thought of me trying to be calm and work things out, it's gone just by his silence. I want to rip his head off, he played me and then thinks he has any right to be angry at me.
He can't be serious.
Chapter nineteen
“Say that again I liked it”
“Let me out Rhett I seriously can’t stand the sight of you right now and your silence is pissing me off even more. Is that all you can do is void everything out and everyone is to fall in line.” I know he hears me but continues driving and in the wrong direction of my house.
“I swear to god Rhett, if you don’t take me home right now I’ll jump out of this truck.”
Who knew silence could be the biggest bitch ever.
Looking forward I notice we are driving in the direction of his house. I look down and start picking at my nails, closing my eyes as if this is all just a nightmare that I'll wake up with only the worst hangover.
I’d rather be anywhere else than inside this truck with the man that just completely broke me. But yet here you are angry, hurt. But still thinking about just falling to your knees saying all is forgiven. This may be the tequila talking but I wouldn’t mind getting on my knees for another reason. You pendeja?
My inner thoughts have me by my metaphorical huevos telling me all the things I already know. Played you like a muñeca, the same very thing your dad calls you. Because you are Mel, a muñeca, a tonta. A fucking fool.
A tear tries to fall free only I don’t let it, she’s right I am a fool, he played me like a fiddle and I couldn’t see it blinded by the love that I have or had for him, now when I look at him I see fire and you know what they say when you play with fire, you will get burned.
Let’s play then cowboy.
We pull into his farm, parking right out front of his home only when we both climb out I’m walking in the opposite direction towards the barn like a woman on a mission. I mean, I am, though he doesn’t have to know that right. Pot meet kettle.
I don’t need to turn around to know he’s following me. Walking through the side barn door I stop just as I get to the stack of hay that is in the back corner. Luckily it's been picked at. There are just a few single bales to where I can sit and not have to move or jump on to. I'm still facing the hay when I feel him behind me.
Tell a man “I hate you” and you’ll have the best sex of your life.
I didn’t know how true that saying was until the next morning.
But there won’t be a next morning for us.
Rhett's fingertips start to trail from my wrist up to my neck where he swipes all my hair to one side. I close my eyes, leaning my head to the side, making my neck more available. He leans in, putting his lips to the back of my ear. Goosebumps have started to form by the warmth of his breath. His hand clasps my neck from behind and I all but melt into his touch.
"You look so damn sexy when you’re mad, makes me want to rip your clothes off and really ruin you.” I spin around so quick trying to push him but his grip is too fast.
"You don’t get to talk to me like that.” I spit out through my teeth.
"Your words say one thing Boots, but your body—” Rhett has backed me up against the barn wall with one hand on my hip moving to caress my ass and the other finding my neck again, but not in a soft gentle touch, this touch feels assertive, maybe a little aggressive, and I can’t help but poke the bear so I can feel more. The heat of anger earlier has faded more into a burning desire, and seeing this form of Rhett has got that ache of heat creeping between my legs and he knows it too.
"— Your body is saying something else.” As I lean a little closer to him, he lets his grip loosen.
"I hate you.” I whisper through my teeth, matching his energy. Our eyes are burning holes into one another but he has an evil grin pulling at the corner of his lips. My breath is forced out of me in an instant by his grip fully back over my neck, slightly cutting off my air supply and being crushed back to the wall that causes the old oak barn to make static-like crackling sounds echo around us. My eyes that were squeezed shut in the motion of the impact are now staring into a sea of green that's ready to watch me drown.
"You’re not a very good liar boots, you never were. I always knew the effect I had on you. Knew that by just grabbing you like this, that you're soaking with a throbbing that wants. . no.. that needs to be released.”
His nose is touching mine, I can feel my pulse against his hand that has turned up its pace. I hate that he’s right but I can’t submit to him and give him that satisfaction. Even though, if I’m being honest, I drool over a good BDSM read and have fantasies of me on my knees or my arms and legs bound together while looking up at the one who’s always been the Dom in them. The one I’m currently trying to show some sort of dominance to when I’m all but failing.
Maldita sea, he’s all but wrecked whatever was left of me.
I’ll never recover from this but I’ll regret it if I don’t take what I want. Call it a parting gift.