"Whatever this is, whether it's bad luck or someone messing with us we will figure it out, but one things for sure we will not give up.” My older sister says. Our moms bottom lip quivers as a tear runs down her cheek so I reach up and swipe my thumb to brush it away.
"We got this Ma, come hell or high water right?” The corner of her mouth rises giving us a small smile.
A knock on our screen door breaks us from our moment and Sheriff Andrews steps in.
"Mrs. Parker?” He asks.
Our mother stands to shake his hand.
"Oh, please Lucas, call me Grace. No need for formalities.”
The Andrews family and ours know each other all too well and not just because I went to school with Lucas, but his father was the sheriff during the time of my dad’s accident. When Luke joined his dad at the station he started taking the calls for when shit started happening at the farm. He became sheriff just last year when his dad decided to retire.
"Sorry, Ms. Grace.” He smirks then nods to Sarah and I.
"I think we should have a plate for you at our table since it seems like you’re always here.” Sarah jokes.
Is my sister flirting? I side eye her with a questioning look.
"If it ends with a bowl of Ms. Grace’s vanilla bean honey ice cream, I’ll take you up on it.” Luke says.
Is he flirting with my sister? I shake my head, focusing on the reason for him being here.
"Speaking of honey, do you know what happened with the hive?”
He brings out a small notepad. "Judging from the lack of lightning from the sky, it not being dry enough to cause a spark, seeing that your hive is far away from any road other than the trail that leads to it, our best guess is arson .” I cross my arms over my chest and take in a deep breath. I already had that as my first guess.
"Is there anyone who you might think would want to cause damage to the farm?” He asks, pulling his pen from his vest front pocket.
"Come on Luke, you know exactly who did this,” I answered him.
"Rhett, honey please. You have to stop with this obsession.” My mom turns to look at me.
"He’s behind all of it, don’t act like you don’t believe it, too. He’s been trying to buy the farm since he took over the company and dad was still working for them. He’s a greedy son of a bitch who deserves to rot in hell.” I snapped at my mom not meaning to. She’s right, I can’t stop and won’t stop trying to find a way to prove Andres Alvarez is behind everything.
"That's enough.” My mom says through her teeth.
The sound of our screen door opens with a creak and shuts as Johnny walks in.
"Hey Luke, how have you been, man?” He clasps the sheriff on his shoulder as he enters the room. Mom turns to hang her head down with an exhausted sigh. My gaze looks to Sarah, she’s slumped against the kitchen sink trying to seem like she’s not here. I know she agrees with me but she’s stopped bringing it up and verbally siding with me because it upsets mom. I try not to bring it up but I just can’t get past the idea that he is the reason my father is dead.
“Listen, I will check out his alibi for today and keep you updated. For now, the fire is out. Unfortunately nothing is salvageable. I’m sorry.” Mom lifts her head up with another wave of tears falling.
“If it’s ok, me and some of the firefighters would like to stay and help with clean-up,” Luke offers. I nod my head with respect. Anytime we’ve had one of these incidents happen that causes great damage, towns people come by to help and I know its because not only does our town have those who actually have hearts and care for one another but our mom is the one anyone and everyone can count on for anything. Dad always said she was the heart of West Hills, we all thought it was just him being all mushy. But I think my dad was right.
Sarah walks up wrapping her arms from behind to embrace mom in a hug and I lean in to give them both a kiss on the cheek then me, Johnny and Luke head out to clean up.
The hive was completely torched to the point there was no life, not even a single bee got out and if they did they are long gone from here now. With the help of the fire department, the sheriff and his few deputies that came out it only took a couple of hours to make it look as if we got the area ready for new replacements. Saying thank you and showing appreciation we say goodbye and start to head back for the house when my phone rings. Fishing it out of my pocket I see work calling me.
“Hey Rhett, it's Claire, sorry to bother you but I think you should come to the bar, it’s Mel”. I stop walking and close my eyes, leaning my head up. I don’t know how much more I can take of this day going south. On a sigh, I tell her I’m on my way and end the call.
"What's up?” Johnny asks.
"We gotta go to Jansens.”
Chapter eighteen
“You. Ruined. Me”