Page 63 of Wasted Oil

"For you.” I say handing the drink to my mother.

"Can I get you ladies anything?” I ask.

"Oooh, I’ll have one of those please, Bucky. How about you mom?” Alex turns to her mom.

"Oh, no, thank you, I really should get going. I have to pick up your niece for your sister so she can get to work. She's working graveyard tonight. I’m so proud of you Alexandra, you never cease to amaze me.” Lynn says then sharing hugs with us all and heading out the door we wave to her.

"We are all proud of you, Bangs, this turned out— A little out of my taste, but for you I’d expect nothing less.” I elbow her as I turn to go grab her drink.

"Alright y’all, we are gonna take one last break then come back for a few more songs before the night is over.” Mel takes her guitar off handing it to David then stepping off the stage heading to her best friend. A knock on the bar top catches me off guard.

"Hey honey, I’m gonna head on home and call it a night. “ My mom says, setting down her drink.

"Ok, let me just give this drink to Alex then I’ll take you home.” I say, filling a new glass with ice.

"Oh, god honey, no. Don’t worry, your sister Sarah is ready to leave too, she’ll take me, you stay. Mingle. Maybe finally talk to the person you haven’t been able to keep your eyes off of all night.” Looking up, I see the look on my moms face that tells me she does truly see more than I know.

With a sigh I lean over giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Love you Ma.” She kiss back saying goodnight.

Watching her leave, she stops to say goodbye to the girls and wraps her arms around Mel giving her a squeeze and I can’t help but smile not caring who watches. Leaning against the bar with one hand, I look for anything to provide an ounce of liquid courage and my few options are vodka, sangria mix and Kailua for the coffee.

Rubbing alcohol it is.

Tossing my shot back, I take a deep breath and head to where my heart lies.

"Where the hell is Johnny, Al? He should be here supporting you, this is a huge moment for you.” I overhear Mel ask with frustration. I was gonna ask the same question but I didn’t want to possibly kill the vibe seeing that Johnny told me this morning they were fighting for the millionth time. I should text him to see what’s up.

"Seriously, it's fine. Calm down. If he wants to sit at home doing nursing school shit rather than be here where the real fun is at, that's on him. Plus, now I really don’t have to stress about him doing something to aggravate me then causing a scene.” Alex says shrugging it off. I can’t really tell if she is upset or cool with him missing this.

Mel rolls her eyes seeing my approach causing her to stand up straight and act like she’s looking anywhere else. I hand Alex her drink and she takes the straw instantly for a sip.

“Hhhmmmaawwgawwdd shit that’s freshhh.” I smirk at Alex’s reaction to the drink.

“Would you like something, Boots?” I ask turning to Melanie. She crosses her arms pursing her lips. God what I’d give to slam mine to them and claim her right here in front of everyone. Especially that David guy.

“No thanks,” she responds. Im about to ask her if later we can talk when the bell from the front door goes off. She looks in that direction hoping it was something to drag her away seeming that she’s currently standing as if she’s uncomfortable. By the way she huffed with a click of her tongue, her eyes roll once more looking away from the door, it proves that statement right. If it’s not Johnny she responds to like that and we know he’s not here nor coming it's only one other person. Her father.

"Sorry we are late mija, we had some last minute business to attend to.” Andres Alvarez says leaning in to try and kiss his daughters cheek but she doesn’t welcome it.

"Terrorizing and stealing from the innocent isn’t what I’d call business, daddy.” She spits in a harsh tone. Mrs. Alvarez and Xavier, Mel’s younger brother, have perched themselves around the high table top we have been standing at.

“Mija, I wish you’d be more like your brother and take responsibility on life.”

"Dad, stop, this is not the place.” Xavier tries to step in but Mel touches her brother's arm stopping him.

“Well this is fun but me and Alex have guests to entertain with our low-life responsibilities and all.” Mel walks around me grabbing Alex’s arm linking them together and walking away. The way she talks back to her father with no hesitation has turned me on in a way that shouldn’t be a thing, but here I am sporting a half chub under my Levis. Trying to find a way to adjust myself I try to make a quick get-away like the girls before conversing with the devil himself.

"Parker, right?” I freeze. Hearing him talk is bad enough but hearing him say my name as if he hasn’t met me dozens of times really grinds my gears.

"Mr. Alvarez, I’d say it's always a pleasure but,” I shrug, not caring to finish that comment.

“You know, I was thinking, you should come and work for me.” Instantly I say ,“Over my dead body” I scoff, shaking my head.

"But that hasn’t stopped you before, has it.”

Andres doesn’t even flinch he just smiles.