Page 7 of Wasted Oil

Xavier has never been stupid, but being older I’ve tried to protect him. For the most part father never yells let alone hits Xavier and now that X is two times the size of our father in height and muscle I knew that he would be alright and keep his promise.

He squeezes my shoulders and steps aside leaving my sights on my best friend who is chewing the inside of her cheek, its her worst habit and I give her the same look I always do with my eyebrow up to my hair line. Shaking my head because that really is her bad habit but I think it's more of a self calming as grabbing my shoulder is to me.

We didn't say a word to each other, it was a look that said it all and we pulled each other into a hug. This one really feels, like actually feels like she’s knocking the air out of me as she squeezes my neck. I can still hear the yelling out in the backyard but like always I tune it out. Alex lets me go and as her hands come down a blur of white appears in her hand and she grabs mine placing an item in them.

"Here, this is for you.” I grab the envelope and open it to find a key ring with tassels, a guitar keychain and a single key connected to it all and what looks like at least a grand or more in cash.

My eyes go wide and I look up at her.

"What the hell! What is this?” She gives a warm smile, A smile of knowing.

"It's a key to an apartment just off the strip, and it's waiting for you. The first two months of rent are already paid for." She looks to my brother and in my gut I know he was the one responsible for it. I try to speak asking how but she continues.

"Along with some furniture I was able to find on my thrift bender from two weeks ago. Both my parents, Xavier, your mom, even Johnny and Rhett all came up with the cash so you can have it to get settled.”

No words were forming, this was all too much. Looking into Alex’s eyes, mine searched over hers.

"Don’t worry, they didn't know exactly what the money was for. I mainly told them a story about how we wanted to have a girls trip to Mexico after graduation and oddly enough they bought it. Of course Xavier was the only one who really knew what I was up to.”

It was my turn to look at my brother he looks from the ground back up at me with a look that's sad but with understanding because deep down he knew this day would come.

"X told me not to tell your mom because we knew she would do anything in her power to keep you here and that whatever she guilt tripped you with , you would stay.”

Still, no words as I looked at her with tears coming down my face.

"Alex I —” I started to speak but she cut me off.

"The keys were sent to me last month when you told me that you wanted out, that you felt like you were drowning. The money was acquired over the past year, cause I knew without a doubt in some sick way this is where we would be today. Although I had planned this out a little differently in my head.”She lets out a small giggle looking down at the floor and back up with glossy eyes.

“Go get-’em Mav.” I pulled on her hand that had reached out to hold mine somewhere in-between all this revelation and hugged her. I feel her arm move but it’s not as to push away but to pull in my brother into a big bear hug.

Moments pass us by and I soak up every bit of it as I hold them a little tighter.

“Alright hermana you need to get going.” My brother says as we pull away from our hug I look at him, his eyes glossed over but no tear actually falling. Then I face Alex, blotchy and streaks from her mascara stained on her cheeks, she gives me a smile while wiping her sleeve under her eye. I spin the keys in my hand on my index finger landing them in my palm grasping on for dear life.

I close my eyes taking a deep breath and with that we turn and they both help me load my bags into my Volkswagen.

Just as Xavier puts the last suitcase in the car I hear the garage open and my fathers car drives out at full speed, that's when I notice my mom running out the front door still crying. I get into the car quickly before she has a chance to hug me.

It may seem like I didn't want to say goodbye to her and to be honest, I didn’t.Xavier was right, though my mom knows the pain I have been suffering internally and physically living here she will do and say just about anything to try and get me to stay.

“Mija, please don’t go! We can fix this. Your father is just stressed. Please don’t let me lose you because of him.” She's crying so hard that I could barely understand her.

“I’m sorry mamá, but I will not stay here another day with that man, he will never change and you know it deep in your heart too.”

I shake the feelings away and hold on to the little bit of strength I have left. With my windows rolled down I rest my arm on the door and say my last goodbyes to each of them with waves and kisses.

My mom comes through the window to hug me.

“Please come back to me mi amor. Te amo, cariño.” She whispers in my ear then places a kiss on my cheek.

“A la luna y de Vuelta.”

Xavier and Alex come to grab my mom by her shoulders taking steps back so I can back out. I put my car in first gear and head off down the street leaving a place that I'd dreamt of always seeing in my rear view mirror and never actually looking back.

Don’t look back.

Don’t look back.