"Sorry to be such a disappointment daddy. That you couldn't get your daughter under your thumb like my mother and the rest of the people you work with. I wonder what they all say about you behind your back? I wonder what they would say if they knew the truth about you?”
He erupts in laughter, throwing his head back.
"Ah muñeca, you're funny. You think they would believe you? The people that work for me love me. They and the rest of the town think I’m a god.”
Now it's my turn to laugh.
"Not everyone in this town adores you. In fact I know several people who hate you.”
"Like who kid?”
The only one that comes to mind at this moment is Rhett.
"The Parkers.”
"Oh yes, Rhett, Right? Yes he is one that will take some time to crack, but eventually I can get him ,as you put it under my thumb.” He says, as he walks over to his mini bar pouring himself two fingers of whiskey.
“And how do you plan to do that?” With a wide smile he brings his glass to his lips knocking back his drink walking over to me .
One simple word, three little letters have me seething with anger.
"You see, I know for a fact that he has a soft spot for you, Now if you could be an obedient daughter for once in your life I think this plan will work.”
My father is pimping me out! Are you fucking kidding me. Just when I thought he couldn't get any lower he proves me wrong.
"No? Do I need to remind you of who I am?” I take a step back trying to get out of his reach before he can grab me and use me as a rag-doll.
"No. And no you don't need to remind me. I have the scars to remind me everyday of what a vile monster you are. See?” I point to my cheek that has the scar that crosses just under my eye.
"I don't need your reminders, I won't do anything you ask of me. I am not yours to control anymore.” I'm standing now toe to toe with him, the whiskey wafts through my nose burning the inside.
"Now listen here, muñeca, I don't know who you think you are, or where you got the guts to stand up to me but this is how it’s going to go. If you don't want something to happen to your little boyfriend and his family then I suggest you get them to sell that damn farm of theirs to me. Comprendes?”
My breathing is out of control, so badly I want to smash his face in.
"I hope you burn in hell, Daddy.”
With that, I march out of the house holding my breath, hoping he doesn’t come after me.
It's not until I reach my room that I finally release the breath I was keeping in. I have no clue how to handle myself right now, I want to cry and scream all at once. How can he ask me such a thing and then threaten the people I love most in this life besides mom and X?
That's the thing right, the man has no soul. Somewhere between meeting my mother and me being born, he had turned cold and heartless.
I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and see my manager Layla's name.
"Mel Mel, how's my favorite artist doing? How is the home town?”
"So far so good, I guess. I'm surprised to hear from you, is everything okay?” I hear shuffling and then a door slamming shut.
"Sorry, yes everything is good. You know just here dealing with these rabid dogs you call a band.”
I give a slight chuckle.