"I know! It's coming full circle! And the fact that they have Miles Teller playing Goose's son! Lord have mercy! That man is fine!” My hand is on my chest as I dramatically fall back in my place.
“Bitch, Glen Powell.” Alex brings the back of her hand to her head as she fake melts on the couch.
"I don’t care where either of us are at but when the premier comes, we are going together.” She declares.
"Duh Goose.” She reaches to fill our mugs up one more time with the first bottle already gone and I can’t hold back any longer.
“Now Al, I have something to tell you It’s about this past weekend.”
She raises her eyebrow giving me the "spit it out" look with her wine just barely touching her lips.
With a deep breath I let it out.
"MeandRhettwentawayfortheweekendandwewentskinnydippinginthelake.” I didn’t mean for it to be rushed or mumbled all together but I was so nervous and excited to tell her that it was more like word vomit.
"Umm yeah, all I got from that was skinny dipping so I’m gonna need you to back it up and start from the beginning, slowly!” She motions her finger in a circle. I throw my hands up in a surrender type style.
"Okay, this past weekend. Rhett and I. Went out of town.” She nods.
“Yes, I remember you saying that you guys were going to dinner at the White Stallion Ranch.”
I release my lip from my teeth.
“Well, after that, he took me out along a trail that led to a barn, then went horseback riding.” She is on the edge of her seat
"The trail ended at this beautiful lake— like seriously something out of a Hallmark movie— anyways, we talked about everything and anything, joking around and ended with us skinny dipping and he went down on me and we had sex.” I leave out the real deep stuff. I bring my wine to my lips and take a huge chug while Alex stares blankly at me. I’m not scared of judgment because she would never judge me but I’ll always feel like I’m walking on eggshells with anything involving Rhett.
“No shit! Skinny dipping in the lake and then staying the whole night tangled in the sheets with him?” She clicks her tongue, giving me a smolder.
"You little hussy.” she says in a humorous southern draw that makes us both crack up.
“All joking aside babes you are living the fucking ultimate book romance!” she raises her mug towards me with a wink.
Somewhere between our fourth bottle of wine and hundredth macadamia nut cookie we started digging deep talking about my past months with Rhett, detail for detail because my best friend is nosey as shit.
"It all seems a little too good to be true you know like come on Al, It’s me! I have the worst luck out there!” She starts waving her hands back and forth, shaking her head.
“Bitch have you met my sister, Sailor?” We both share a laugh. She’s right. That poor girl needs a rabbits foot around her neck.
"So, No! None of that! Take all that negative energy and thoughts and put them in a box, lock that shit and throw it in the damn river! After so many years of you and Rhett longing for each other I say luck has nothing to do with it.” I know she has a point but I just can’t see it. Her hand reaches for my knee.
"Mel, I didn’t mean to make you upset.” Reaching up I place a hand on my cheek to feel wetness.
“No it's okay, it's not your fault. It's me. I just have waited so long for this and I just feel something bad is gonna happen and it's gonna be all over in a blink of an eye.” I hadn’t noticed that I was crying. I wipe off the tears that are now flowing down my face.
“I'm sorry I shouldn’t be crying, I honestly don’t know why Im crying.” My best friend scoots closer to me whispering.
“It's okay. I get it.” We embrace each other in a hug.
“Okay enough of this heavy shit, let’s talk about choice of music.” I say pulling back from her wiping off the last of my tears.
"So I was thinking a mixture of new and old country with a little bit of acoustic version pop. Oh and of course our song!” I have a mouth full of cookies mumbling out “well, of course.” Opening my phone I shoot off a text in the group chat of my band mates.
Me: Hey y'all! Guess what!? I got us a gig here in Texas! Tune up the band and get your asses down here!
Almost immediately I get responses.
Bam Bam: Fuck yeah! Count me in!