"Such a good girl. I love when you scream my name. Think you can do it again?”
I run my hand down his chest, “Is that a Dare?” I smirk a playful gleam in my eyes.
“You bet your sexy ass it is.”
We don't move, the night becomes soundless, just the sounds ofbreathing can be heard. I can feel his heartbeat under my palm. There's a shift in the darkness. Something between us, there's an electric feeling that wasn't there before. Something strong, almost uncontrollable. Our foreheads lean against each other.
“Melanie.” He says just above a whisper as to try and not disturb the peaceful sounds of nature.
"Rhett," A say in a breathy moan. My eyebrows pinch together while my eyes latch to his filled with so much emotion in our stare, our touch.
"The tattoo was a way for me to have you with me. I'll regret everyday for the rest of my life for not picking up the damn phone."
Both our walls have broken down in this moment. We can both feel it.
"I don’t know what making love feels like— but this feels like it. Given where we are at—I wouldn't trade it for the world. ” I close my eyes, steadying myself to the rhythm of his breathing and pulse.
"I can't see myself with anyone but you.” My eyes open to find his lingering into mine filled with unspoken words. The mist from the lake engulfs us creating a privacy shield from the outside world. He lines himself at my entrance pushing in slowly, trying to remember this moment as I am.
Chapter thirteen
“Running low on funds, princess.”
I have to tell her, but somethings holding me back.
I knew the exact moment it stopped being a game of trying to hurt Mel, if I'm being honest with myself. It was the moment her damn lips crashed to mine on our first night together after she came back home. Or probably the moment I even had the idea run through my mind and out my mouth. I’ve been so locked in my head and completely out of it I finally stopped fighting it and decided to—enjoy it?
Questions have been constant with me. The farm. What I can do to protect it and a lot involving her.
Waking up to Melanie in my bed has been amazing and everything. I look forward to it and crave it. Yes, her body is a desire all on its own, but we’ve unlocked a whole new level in each other. Every time Mel has been in my bed, I wake before her just to take a moment and gaze upon her. Those three days felt like three years and I’m sick of time being wasted between us. We lost too much of it already and I’m not ready for it to be over. The feeling of one day having to wake up and accept the inevitable is just on the horizon.
Mel will never admit it out loud but she’s a runner. When she’s scared, she runs. Now I understand why that is. Her father is the monster in her nightmares. He’s damaged her in more ways than one. Her confession to me at the lake was the most vulnerable I’ve ever seen her. I wanted to hurt Andres before but after what she told me, that hurt has turned deadly. What kind of father lays a hand on his child because he didn’t get his way. Fuck. I want to say that out loud but I don’t. Mel is sleeping so peacefully I don’t want to wake her, last night was a lot for the both of us. We got in late last night so we showered and then I held her while she cried. I just want to help her escape but instead of fucking for distraction we ended up —making love?
I’m so fucked.
Rubbing my hands over my face, I circle my fingertips over my temples trying to massage the small headache that has come.
"Morning.” I hear a soft whisper.
"Morning beautiful.” I dip my arm under the covers, reaching towards her body in-between her legs, grabbing hold, and yanking her flush against my skin. She giggles into my chest and I drag my hand from under to brush her hair away from her face and connect our foreheads together, closing my eyes and inhaling all of her aromas of honeysuckle vanilla. She tastes just as sweet.
"I could get used to waking up to you in my bed, Boots.” I feel her cheek move under my palm and open my eyes to see her closed smile and her baby blues staring back at me.
"Me too, cowboy.”
I can’t wait anymore. I move placing my lips over hers, curling my fingertips on the back of her neck taking the kiss deeper.
Yeah. I’m fucked.
She’s everything to me, but I know she won’t forgive me when I tell her the truth.
I have to tell her, but not right now.
Her hand brushes over my scruffed beard, then pulls back making me miss her instantly. I try to bring her back for more but she presses her fingers over my mouth like a wall.
"If I don’t get up now I’ll never leave, and I really need to get some song writing done.” She rolls, sitting up at the edge of the bed reaching for my black shirt and pulling it over her head, then bending down to step in her jeans. My bottom lip rolls out from in-between taking in the view of her backside. We’ve explored each other's bodies more than we could ever imagine to, every curve and I can’t get enough of her.