Page 29 of The Summons

I nod. “She’s resting with our familiars. I put a spell on her to make sure she sleeps.”

“How did you get the venom out?” Ivan asked.

“Sucked it out. My mouth is burning, but at least she’s safe.”

“That’s odd... venom doesn’t usually cause a burning sensation,” Mickle said. “Not from coming in contact with it. It has to be injected.”

“Kinda like us when we’re turning someone?” Peter asked.

“Exactly.” Ivan nodded.

“What does it mean?” Jake stood up.

Mickle rushed over to a book lying on the bar. Lilith’s book of spells. He started flipping page after page until he found the one. He ran his finger down the page as he read, then stopped. With a horrified look, which says a lot coming from a Vampire, he said, “It means the wedding is moving up.”

I raise a brow, puzzled at his reaction and ask, “Why?”

He looks back down at the pages and reads aloud, “If sour blood lays upon the altar, hell will rein shortly there after...”

Peter rams his hand through his hair. “What the hell does that even mean?!”

“It means that if one speck of Cassidy’s blood is tainted that you might as well kiss your lily-white ass goodbye.” I say as I stand.

Peter throws his hand in the air. “But you sucked it out!”

“Yeah, this time he did,” Jake said. “What happens if a flea bites her that’s been sent by... whatever the hell sent that imp? And quite frankly bleeding ears from her screaming is a walk in the park to this burning.”

“But how would moving up the wedding help?” Ivan asked.

“With each act that Cassidy completes, the marriage and the consummation, makes her magic more powerful. She doesn’t know what she’s capable of.” Mickle wipes his brow. “Once those two acts are complete, Cash will start training her for the final act. The one on the night of the blood moon that will destroy Lilith or...”

That was the first time we’d ever heard Mickle say ‘or’ after explaining the fine details.

I had a gut feeling that it wasn’t a good thing. “‘OR’ what?” I ask.

Mickle swallows hard before answering. “Or herself and the world as we know it...”

I’m across the room before I know it and grab Mickle by the front of the shirt. “That was never part of the bargain you fucker. You said she would never come to any harm if she did this.”

Mickle has the strength to throw an ox across a field if he wanted to, but he’s no match for me when I’m angry. I lift him high; his feet start to dangle in the air when he looks to the others for help.

“You’re on your own man.” Jake shakes his head and walks out of the room.

“I agree,” Peter says as he heads for the secret door. “Nice knowing you, Mickle.”

Ivan walks over and stands beside me. “You know, I may be pissed that Cassi didn’t choose me to get down and dirty with, but I’m not dumb enough to piss Cash off. You know he’s loved her for years. And if I’m not mistaken, he would be happy just being her protector for as long as she lived without her ever knowing, am I right Cash?”

I nod without taking my eyes off Mickle’s face.

Ivan sniffed. “Right. So don’t be shocked when you find a stake through your heart, Mickle. Ta ta.” He wiggled his fingers and left the room.

I stare at the monster before me. The one that I considered a friend. He was, after all, the reason I came to realize my powers. If it weren’t for him, I’d never met Cassi in the first place. With disgust, I toss him aside like a used-up tissue and walk back to the leather chair. I sit down, pick up the shot glass from the table and calmly take a sip of the amber liquid.

“Now.” I set the glass back on the table. “Tell me exactly what I have to do to stop her from destroying herself.”