Page 47 of The Summons

“We were discussing what to do about Cassidy if she starts to scream,” Peter said. “Mickle says the dirt will no longer work. He’s looking into it now.”

“Oh? Why is that?”

“Because her powers are stronger than I anticipated.” Mickle answered, frowning at the book in his hands. “That imp should have taken her down at once.”

“What’s the spell book say?” Peter asked, clearly agitated. “I don’t think I can be having sex with a screaming banshee.”

“You have to,” Mickle replied, rubbing his jaw. “She picked you and Jake. What she says goes.”

Peter stood up. And if I didn’t know better it looked like he was on the verge of a temper tantrum. “Why? It’s not like it’s going to make a bit of difference in the end.”

“Because dummy,” Ivan said. “If Cassidy isn’t relaxed and feel like she’s being taken care of, the ritual won’t work.”

Ritual? I knew they were lying but a ritual was not a prophecy. Clearly there wasn’t one, or at least not in the true sense of the word. It was more of a planned ceremony that they had total control over.

“Either way I don’t like it,” Peter said. “And I won’t do it.”

As quick as lightning, Mickle dropped the book and was at Peter’s throat, fangs bared. “You will do it because if you don’t, I’ll cut your cock off and feed it to you before I remove your head. Got it?”

Peter turned whiter than he already was and silently nodded his head.

Mickle smoothed his hair back. “Where were we... ah yes, the book.” He strode back to where he’d been standing and retrieved it from the floor. “So, there is a potion that I can make that will help ease the sound of her screams. Shall I mix it?”

The burning question that I’ve been having is why would Cassidy be screaming in the first place? She already agreed to consummate the wedding by having a foursome. Consensual women didn’t usually scream their heads off. Thankfully Jake asked the question for me.

“Is this going to be painful for her? The pregnancy that is?”

“Well of course it will be,” Mickle spat. “She will be pregnant for a week and a half, from conception to full term.”

Sonofabitch, Cassidy was right. Sickened to the core I needed to get the hell out of there and fast. Not wasting any time, I went over to the secret passageway and flung open the door.

Peters screams of terror echoed through the hallway as Jake laughed. “We told you it was haunted...”



I really don’t know why I’m here. It’s creepy as fuck and I don’t like it. But something is telling me to come, beckoning is more like it. I follow George as he makes his way through the weeds towards a gate in the wall. It’s large enough for a car to pass through and I gingerly make my way through it. I glance around and realize there is a moat that we are about to cross. My eyes settle on the fortress in front of me and for some inane reason I feel as if something is watching us.

“What exactly do you think you’re doing here?”

I just about jump out of my skin when I hear Cash whisper that in my ear. I moved so fast it felt like I was springing on pogo stick and I reacted by punching him in the face. In horror I see him fly back five feet.

“Oh my God! I’m so sorry! Did I just...”

He plants his feet on the ground, rubbing his jaw. “Did you send me flying? Yeah, you did. Mickle was right, your powers are strong. Now, do you mind answering why you’re here when you’re supposed to be napping?”

I shrug because I really don’t know. “It’s calling to me.”

Cash raises his brows and looks to the castle. “It’s calling to you?”

“I guess, what else would it be?”

He throws his hands in the air. “Honestly who knows anymore. Come on, let’s go find out.”

Hand in hand we enter the castle courtyard. I look up to what must have been a beauty in it’s day to see broken windows and crumbling walls.

Cash is looking at a darkened patch on the cobblestones at our feet. “This is where they burned her.”