Page 44 of The Summons

“Hell yes!” I turn my back towards him and kneel on all fours. Shaking my ass, I look over my shoulder at him. “Just don’t set me on fire.”

He gathers my hair in his hands, and I feel him twist it around his fist, and then smacks my ass. I feel a bubble of excitement in my chest as he tugs my hair and bends down towards my ear as he guides his cock into my slickness. “I won’t set you on fire. Do you want me to fuck you deep?”

I thought he was in as far as he could go earlier but I was so wrong. As his pubic bone rubs against my ass, I spread my legs further and scream, “God yesssss!”

One hand in my hair the other on my hip, he buries himself inside me as I scream his name. Together we begin to feel that ultimate goal, reaching an orgasm. All my years of having sex, if I was lucky to have an orgasm, it was always a solo venture, seeing stars, hurling towards them until they burst in a shimmery downpour around me. But not this time, with Cash, we soared together side by side in each others’ arms until it seemed like the whole damn milky way burst around us.


W E COLLAPSE ON THE bed in a heap, and he pulls me into his arms, smoothing my hair down my back. “Are you okay?” he asks.

Okay? I feel like a cat who’s just had it’s first bowl of cream and now I want to be fat and lazy and purr myself to sleep but I can’t. I smile and hug him tight. “More than okay. Thank you.”

“Where are you going?”

Giving him a peck on the lips I say, “I’ll be back, just need to go to the bathroom.” I snag my robe off the floor and pull it on as I head to the toilet.

I close the door behind and sit down, ready to take a quick pee, but stop. Should I? Will his sperm come out if I do? Pawing the pockets on my robe, I’m relived when I feel my cell phone. A quick google search ensures me that his sperm will stay, allowing the potion to work. I pee quickly and clean myself up. As I’m washing my hands, I look up in the mirror and see a bruise on my breast. Slipping it off my shoulders, I turn to the full-length mirror on the back of the door and gasp. “Oh dear...” Signs of our lovemaking are all over my body. Bruises, bite marks and my clit is swollen. Which I don’t mind one bit because I’m still getting delightful shockwaves from that area. I pull up my robe and yank the door open. Rushing into the bedroom I look at Cash, and say, “We got a problem...”

Chapter 19

C assidy


I T’S THE MORNING OF our wedding, and I’m standing in the middle of my hotel room looking at my body in the mirror. And I’ve never been more nervous in my life than I am in this moment. After freezing my ass off for over an hour, bathing in cool water, my crotch no longer feels enlarged and flaming hot. Cash has assured me that he can cast a spell, to conceal the bruising and teeth marks left behind from our lovemaking, but I almost don’t want him to. I want to wear them like they are a badge of honor. But I can’t, the vampires would know that we had sex and heaven knows what would happen if that little tidbit came to light.

I look in the mirror at Cash’s reflection. He’s standing in front of the window staring down at my cellphone. I know what he’s doing. He’s reading the passages from the book Roger sent, studying each one in detail, hoping to glean any information that he can to stop our wedding. I want to wipe that broody look from his face but have no desire to sit in another hour-long ice bath.

“Find anything yet?” I ask, as I begin to braid my hair.

Turning, he tosses the phone onto the bed and sighs. “No. It seems that part of the prophecy must be completed.”

I walk over to the bed and sit on the edge as I fasten a tie to the end of the braid. “What I don’t get is why would Lilith bother to write two spell books?”

“Well, there has to be a reason why. From the pictures you took of Mickle’s there is no difference to the ones Roger sent.”