Page 20 of The Summons

Chapter 9

C assidy


I DARED NOT LOOSEN my grip on Cash. Didn’t even want to look to where they all stood in silence gazing. Like they were seeing some mythical creature. Well at least Cash was, the others just stood there with their black pointy hats tilted back so I assumed they were staring at it too. “Is it hideous?” I muffled against his chest.

“See for yourself Cassi.” He pried my nails from his arms then turned me around, still holding me. Thank God, it wasn’t hideous nor in ruins like he’d mentioned to Peter earlier. It was stunning. Built of limestone with turrets on the left and right. The sun gleamed on the windowpanes as birds sang their song and the trees swayed softly in the wind. Nothing that I expected a 500-year-old castle that was left to rot away would look like.

Mickle held up a finger and shook his head. “This isn’t right. It wasn’t like this a year ago.”

I took a step forward. No. That’s wrong, I was pulled forward. By an unseen force that wrenched me from Cash’s arms.

“Cassidy!” he yelled, as I flew in the air; like I could stop it.

Ignoring him, I watched in horror as the castle turned into a decrepit pile of mortar before my eyes.

Below me, the five men are all shouting commands at me to do something.

Peter laughed, and said, “Rub your temples.”

Jake screamed something in another language. What, I have no idea.

Mickle told me to go right. Again, like I had a choice.

And Ivan yelled at me to use my clit sucker. Cash either told him or he snooped through my bags. Either way, I planned on finding out once I got out of the predicament, I found myself in.

And Cash, ran alongside of me in the air. I thought Vampire’s were the only ones that could run faster than the speed of light, but I was wrong.

“What the hell are you doing?” I shouted at him.

“Making sure no harm comes to you,” he grinned.

“I fail to see the humor in this,” I said. “Get me down. Now!”

“You’re safe, there’s nothing here to harm you, yet. So, this will be a good practice run for you. Use your mind, Cassi.” He tilted his head forward. “Before you hit that wall. Now, close your eyes and concentrate.”

He’s insane. But I did as he said. I focus and can see words forming in my mind. Not English. I realize it’s the chant that’s always running through the recesses of my brain and I start to say them out loud. It’s then that I realized it’s one of Lilith’s spells. I’m slowing down, no longer soaring through the air. I can feel it because my hair isn’t flapping in the wind, more like a feather floating on a gentle breeze. When I’m almost stopped, I feel Cash take me in his arms, and together we settle on the ground, within an inch of the wall.

I punched him in the arm. “What would you have done if I couldn’t stop myself in time?”

“I’d never let that happen. You’ve always been able to change the wind with that chant,” he murmured pulling me close. “I’m so very proud of you, sweet one.”

His kiss was soft and gentle and had me close to tears. Not because of his lips fluttering on mine like a butterfly’s wing but because he was proud of me. No one ever told me that in my life, not even my parents.

“Enough of that!” Mickle snapped, as the four of them approached. “We need to get you two back to the hotel. The ceremony will be tonight.”

“Tonight?” Cash shot him a dark look. “She’s not ready.”

“Ready or not, it must be performed tonight,” Mickle said, as he started off towards the forest, and we all followed. “That little show only proves that Lilith will do anything to stop Cassidy learning her powers. If she’s incapacitated in any way, Lilith will take over her body on the night of the blood moon.”

“Well, she won’t kill me if she needs me so what does it matter?”