This is such a messed-up situation.

One I have no idea how to navigate.

As much as I want to discuss what happened, I refuse to broach the subject. I’m unwilling to risk being shut down for a second time. My pride has already been ground to a fine pulp beneath his heel. I can’t take much more.

As we pull through the gate and onto school property, I clutch my bag, counting down the minutes until I can escape Kingsley’s presence. I need to get my head on straight and I can’t do that when forced to spend so much time with him. As he parks the Mustang and cuts the engine, I hoist my bag onto my lap and reach for the door handle.

His deep voice cuts through the silence of the car. “No more hiding out in the library. I expect to see you at lunch.”

My fingernails dig into the leather as resentment builds in my chest.

Why can’t he leave me alone?

Rather than argue and potentially cause a scene, I jerk my head into a tight nod. I’m not in any condition to fight him. Even though I woke up thirty minutes ago, my ass is still dragging. All the stress from Dad’s death and the situation with Kingsley and Keaton has driven me to the breaking point.

It’s a relief when he shifts away, dismissing me without another word before stepping from the Mustang. Unlike yesterday, he doesn’t bother waiting for me to exit the vehicle before walking toward a crowd of friends in the parking lot. Sloane separates herself from the same group before rushing toward him and looping her arms around Kingsley’s neck. If I didn’t know better, I’d think they were together.

For all I know, they are.

The thought of him fucking both of us at the same time makes me sick to my stomach. I want to curl up on the leather seat and pretend this isn’t happening. Rather than give in to the impulse, I pop open the door and force myself to step onto the pavement before hurrying toward the front entrance of the school.

If Kingsley thinks he can inflict more damage by flaunting Sloane in front of me, he’s got another thing coming.

Chapter Twenty-Four

“How are you holding up, girl?” Everly asks as we head to the cafeteria.

“I’m fine.” The smile I paste on my lips takes effort. School is the last place I want to be. I dread seeing Kingsley because I know exactly what I’ll find and that’s Sloane clinging to him like a barnacle. If that girl could fuck him in front of my face, solely to stake her claim, that’s exactly what she would do.

Does she really think I care?

Or that I’ll fight for him?

Ha! Nothing could be further from the truth. As far as I’m concerned, they deserve each other. The self-appointed king and queen of Hawthorne Prep.

Even though I keep my attention focused in front of me, Everly’s concerned gaze flits over me, probing for details I’m unwilling to share.

“Are you sure?” She pauses for a beat, most likely waiting for me to spill my guts. “You look tired.”

“I didn’t sleep well last night.” I shrug, not bothering to add the reason for it. My new friend hasn’t asked many questions about Kingsley, but I have the feeling that it’s only a matter of time.

“The last two weeks have been brutal,” she adds softly.

Every step that brings us closer to the dining hall has my nerves ratcheting up. I haven’t felt this anxious since the first day of school. In a strange way, it feels as if I’ve come full circle. The only difference is that I now understand what to expect. The students of Hawthorne Prep are more vicious than barracudas. One word from Kingsley and they’ll rip me to shreds without a second thought.

What did he tell me the other day?

Queens can be cast aside.

I’m waiting for him to do exactly that in a spectacularly public fashion.

As if sensing my growing unease, Everly loops her arm through mine. When I glance at her, she gives me a firm nod along with a stoic smile. It’s like she knows we’re going to battle, and her unwavering support is enough to bring tears to my eyes. Everly has no idea how grateful I am for her friendship. She came into my life when I needed her most. There’s no way I could get through this without her.

“Thank you,” I whisper, wishing there was a better way to convey everything that’s in my heart.

As we step into the cavernous space, I tense, unsure how the situation will play out. It takes a moment to realize that no one is paying us any more attention than usual. The relief that floods through me is almost enough to weaken my knees. Unwilling to make eye contact with Kingsley, I focus on the floor as we walk to our normal table. I need to make it through the next thirty minutes unscathed.