But…then what?

Will she be able to protect me?

How will she fight this?

The woman can barely rouse herself enough to get out of bed and use the bathroom. She’s functioning with only scant moments of clarity. What if this new demand pushes her further over the edge?

There’s no way I can allow that to happen. Loneliness and grief flood through every cell in my body as I sink to the bed. Since Dad died, I’ve tried so hard to be the strong one. To keep all the turbulent emotions tamped down where I can pretend they don’t exist, but I won’t be able to do it much longer. It’s taking too much of a toll.

With a broken sob, my head falls into my hands as the hot sting of tears leak from the corners of my eyes.

I don’t think I’ve ever felt this lost or alone in my life.

Chapter Fourteen

It’s after seven o’clock when Austin walks through the door after practice. Each day, the time gets later and later. My guess is that he’s trying to avoid the house altogether. I don’t blame him for wanting to escape, but I can’t be the only one holding down the fort.

I pace the length of my room, waiting for the shower to stop running. Then I give it ten more minutes before forcing myself to walk through the hallway and knock on his door. “Aus?”

Not waiting for a response, I peek inside. His hair is still damp as he digs through the contents of his backpack before tossing a few books onto his bed.

He glances up as I step inside the space. “Hey, what’s up?”

It takes effort to blink away the tears and not crumple to the floor. In the end, what good would it do?

Not a damn thing. I’m trapped. If I fall apart in front of Austin, it’ll only make matters worse. The last thing I need is for him to fly off the handle or threaten retribution.

When I remain silent, unable to produce a sound, he straightens to his full height. His thick brows beetle together as he inspects me with more care. “What’s wrong?”


“Stupid question,” he mutters, shaking his head before dragging a hand down his face. “You know what I meant.”

“Yeah, I do.” I hoist my lips into a thin smile and close the distance. “Need any help with homework?” I ask, desperate to prolong the inevitable discussion even if it’s only for a few moments.

He doesn’t take the bait. “Nah, I got it covered.”

I exhale a long breath, knowing what needs to be done, but still, that knowledge doesn’t make it any easier.

“Summer?” His voice drops as urgency fills it. “Did something happen?” His gaze falls to the tan envelope in my hand as if only now noticing it. “What’s that?”

My fingers tighten around the packet. “A delivery from Keaton.”

That name is enough to have storm clouds gathering on Austin’s face. “What does that asshole want now?”

I wince at the bitter rage that whips through his voice. This is more difficult than I expected. An hour ago, I had stupidly convinced myself that my brother would accept the circumstances and agree there was nothing to be done, but now…

Now I realize that won’t be the case.

In true Austin fashion, he’ll fight it tooth and nail. He won’t want to lose anyone else to the Rothchild family. It’s up to me to make him understand that this arrangement, at least for the time being, is our only viable option unless we’re willing to lose everything.

Voice devoid of emotion, I lay out the facts. “Keaton has every intention of moving forward with the lawsuit, which means taking the company from us, unless we fulfill the original terms of the contract Mom and Dad signed.”

Austin’s mouth falls open. “You’re shitting me, right?”

If only I were.

I gulp down the growing nausea that churns inside, releasing the words into the atmosphere makes it more real.

“Wasn’t it enough that he took Dad from us, now he’s taking you, too?”

I cringe as he roars out the question. In the deafening silence of the shadowy room, it echoes hollowly in my head.

“What other choice is there, Aus? We can’t afford a lawsuit, not with Dad gone and Mom checked out the way she is.”

He folds his brawny arms across his chest. “What did Mom say about all this?”

I glance away and admit, “The envelope arrived a couple of hours ago. She was sleeping, I haven’t had a chance to tell her.”

“For fuck’s sake, Summer! You need to talk with her first instead of taking this into your own hands.”

“What’s she gonna do about it?” Frustration roils until it reaches a boiling point. “Does Mom seem like she’s in any kind of condition to fight the Rothchild family?” I throw an arm toward the other side of the house. “She’s so overmedicated that she doesn’t even know what day it is.”