“You know what’s ironic?” she muses. “I attended an exclusive prep school on the Upper East Side that my father paid fifty grand a year in tuition, and it wasn’t nearly this fancy.” She looks genuinely confounded by her surroundings. “Remind me again that we’re in the middle of nowhere.”

“We’re in the middle of nowhere,” I parrot back.

“Yeah,” she says in bemusement, “that’s what I thought.”

“I grew up in Chicago and attended public school my entire life,” I add with a chuckle, “so this was a definite culture shock.”

I point to the hot lunch line and give her the rundown about the type of food that is served as we wind our way through the rows of polished wood tables to the one reserved for Kingsley and his friends.

Everly doesn’t take notice of it, she’s much too busy checking out her surroundings, but people’s heads swivel as she walks past. As the new girl, she would immediately draw attention. The school is fairly small with around five hundred students, but it’s her vibrant beauty that draws the eye and holds it. She’s like a flame dancing in the darkness.

“I didn’t realize I should have packed a lunch.” Everly glances at my brown paper bag with concern as we stop near the table.

“No problem.” I point to the dark-haired boy and a few of his friends who have veered toward the hot lunch line. “Kingsley will help you out. Or I can come with you. I don’t mind.”

“I’m good.” She waves a hand. “Thanks for all the help, Summer.”

“No problem,” I say, as she takes off. As soon as she sidles up to Kingsley, he introduces her to a couple of the guys he’s standing with.

I watch to make sure Everly is all right before dropping my lunch onto the table and settling on the bench.

“Who’s the new chick?”

Surprised by the question, I glance at the blond boy sitting across from me.

Duke Carmichael.

I’ve noticed him before. It would be impossible not to with all that messy blond hair he’s constantly shoving away from whiskey-colored eyes. Instead of playing football like a lot of these guys, he’s on the lacrosse team. Austin has mentioned him a few times. They lift together in the weight room.

And just to be clear, he looks like it. His biceps are massive. It would be a challenge to wrap both of my hands around one of his upper arms and have the fingers touch. There have been times when I’ve wondered if the sleeves of his crisp white shirt would burst right off him.

I’ve never witnessed him lose his temper, but I’ve heard the whispers. What I’ve noticed is that he’s always watching, taking in what’s being said without constantly having to weigh in on a topic. I’m not sure what to make of the guy. He’s obviously in with the popular crowd, but seems somehow removed from it.


That’s the word that springs to mind. This is probably the first time he’s spoken two words to me.

“Her name is Everly.” I glance up from the lunch I’m unpacking onto the table. “She’s in Pettijohn’s first hour with us.” I do a quick mental rewind and realize that Duke didn’t show up to lit class this morning.

“Huh.” His gaze slides from mine before coming to rest on the auburn-haired girl across the room. Other than the calculating look that fills his eyes, I have no idea what he’s thinking. What I do know is that I’ve never seen him take an interest in anyone since I’ve been here. Sloane and her minions may flirt with the guys at this table, but they steer clear of Duke, which only reinforces the gossip I’ve heard.

I toss a glance over my shoulder to see if Everly has noticed the interest she’s drawing. And not just from Duke, but a lot of other guys. A bright smile curves her lips, making her even prettier than I originally suspected. She’s loosened up and looks more at ease and less nervous. I’m glad I could help make her first day run a little smoother.

A few minutes later, Everly settles next to me with a tray. Her brows draw together as she points to the food. “I can’t believe the school uses real Lenox china.”

Her reaction makes me chuckle. “Yeah, I know. It’s a little over the top.”

“Are you kidding? Everything around here is over the top.” She looks around again, amazement filling her face. “I wasn’t expecting Hawthorne Prep to be so…sophisticated. I mean,” she waves a hand to encompass the space, “it’s in the middle of the country.”

Before I can summon a response, a deep male voice barks, “What’s that supposed to mean?” Both of our heads jerk toward the boy sitting across the table. “Hicks aren’t allowed to have nice things?”

I blink to make sure that Duke is the one who made the loud comment. By the way he’s glaring at Everly, there’s no mistaking it. I’m a little dumbfounded. I had no idea he was paying attention to our conversation. I mean, why would he? Instead of trying to smooth over the tension that simmers in the air, I gape slack-jawed at the blond-haired boy with the brooding eyes.