Oh, shit.

I’d forgotten to take that out of my purse. My heart skips a painful beat as I lunge for it, but he beats me to the punch, snatching the folded paper before glancing at it.

My fingers tremble as I extend my hand. “Can I have that, please?”

It takes everything I have inside not to rip the leaflet from his fingers. If I do, it’ll only prove how important it is. And then he’ll do the exact opposite just to spite me. I know how his mind works.

His brows jerk together as he stares at the front page. “What is this?”

“It’s not important,” I mumble.

From his crouched position on the floor, he glances up, skewering me in place with the intensity of his gaze. His voice turns sharp as he holds up the pamphlet. “Where did you get this?”

Unwilling to tell him the truth, I press my lips together and remain silent.

“Summer?” His hand snakes out to wrap around my wrist. “Is this yours?”

I wince as his fingers bite into my flesh. When I try to jerk away, his hold turns punishing.

“Answer me, damn it!” He drags me across the marble until his face hovers inches from my own and his warm breath can ghost over my lips. “Are you pregnant?”

“Yes.” The answer slips free before I can think better of it.

Air hisses from his lungs as his grip disappears, and he falls backward onto his ass. His eyes widen as emotion crashes over his features.




“Why do you have this?” He glares at the paper. “Are you planning on getting an abortion?”

“I don’t know,” I whisper, heart thundering painfully under my breast. “I haven’t decided yet.”

He drags a hand over his face as if he were expecting a different response. “Were you even going to tell me?”

I pin my lip with my teeth and defiantly hold his gaze. How can he ask me that question when we’re barely on speaking terms?

Apparently my silence is answer enough.

Storm clouds gather in his eyes. If I had thought I’d seen fury from him before, I was wrong. “You were going to abort my baby without ever mentioning it?”

I wince as his voice cracks over me like a clap of thunder. My tongue darts out to moisten my lips as tears sting my eyes. “When exactly was I supposed to share the good news? In between you bending me over and fucking me?”

The rage dims as guilt and shame flash across his features. A hot stain of color flags his cheeks. When he remains silent, all the resentment and frustration that has been simmering beneath the surface boils over.

Who the hell is he to judge me?

“We’re both eighteen years old! How am I supposed to bring a baby into this world when we hate each other? And that’s not something that will ever change.”

His expression becomes shuttered as every bit of emotion vanishes as swiftly as it appeared. I couldn’t begin to guess at the thoughts crashing around inside his head. He folds the informational pamphlet before shoving it into the pocket of his khakis and rising to his feet.

Before I can move, he extends a hand and helps me to mine. “Come on, we’ll be late.”

Thrown off by the abrupt shift in his demeanor, I jerk my head into a nod before trailing after him to the Mustang parked in the drive. He walks around the vehicle, popping open the door for me. A few minutes later, the engine is revving and we’re speeding away from the subdivision. I sit stiffly next to him, waiting for him to hurtle questions at me. Instead, the ride to school is made in silence. A million thoughts flutter through my head, but none make it past my lips. Kingsley must feel the same because his attention stays focused on the ribbon of road in front of him.

Once parked in the school lot, we exit the vehicle. I have no idea what to expect from him. If there is one thing that has become a constant, it’s that his behavior is unpredictable.

From the corner of my eye, I spot Sloane lounging next to her silver BMW. Her gaze is focused on Kingsley. When he doesn’t move to join her, the smile fades from her face as her eyes narrow. I can practically feel her penetrating stare boring into me, trying to figure out what has changed. Normally I would give her a one fingered salute, but I don’t have the energy for it today. My concerns are much greater than Sloane.

“Are you ready?”

My attention snaps back to Kingsley and I’m surprised to find him at my side. “Yup.”

Before I can readjust my backpack onto my shoulder, he slips it from my fingers and holds it in his hand.

“I can carry that,” I mumble under my breath. There’s no reason for him to play the part of chivalrous knight. We both know it’s nothing more than a pretty façade.