“Whether or not I have is none of your damn business,” I shoot back. Seriously, who does this guy think he is?

“Wrong. It’s my business to be all up in your business.”


“Go to hell,” I snap.

With a smirk, he shifts toward me and strokes his thumb over my lower lip. “You still don’t get it, do you?” Instead of knocking his hand away, I sit transfixed by the possessive look that fills his eyes as he stares at my mouth. “I’m the one in control. I’m the one who makes the decisions. If I tell you to do something, you do it. Understand?”


I hate the way he scrambles my senses.

When I fail to respond, he continues. “Now, are you going to be a good little girl and eat your breakfast, or should I dump your coffee out the window?”


That threat has me blinking out of the stupor that had fallen over me. “You wouldn’t dare!”

His teeth flash in the morning sunlight as it climbs over the horizon. “We both know that I would.”

He’s right, we do. If there’s a way to piss me off, he’ll find it. I hate that he holds so much power over me.

Without another word, he stabs the button on the door handle and the glass disappears, allowing the chilly morning air to sweep through the interior. Kingsley twists off the top before holding the container outside the vehicle. “What’s it gonna be?”

Goddamn him!

“Tick tock. You have three seconds to make a decision or I’ll make it for you. Although, you won’t be happy about it.”

“I hate you!” I hiss in an effort to delay the inevitable.

“Two,” he continues as if I didn’t say anything at all.

“Why are you such a jerk?”


He turns his arm so that the mug makes a slow rotation.

Before one precious drop can fall, I yell, “Fine! I’ll eat the stupid bar!”

I hate him.

Hot tears sting the back of my eyelids as I wrench open the zipper of my backpack and dig through the pocket until my fingers close around the slim bar. Unwilling to watch him take pleasure in my capitulation, I stare straight ahead before ripping off the wrapper and shoving the pressed granola into my mouth. I taste nothing, swallowing the first piece and forcing down the rest. Once it’s gone, I shift on my seat and glare before throwing the empty package at his chest. “Happy?”


“Give me the coffee,” I demand.

With a self-satisfied smirk, he hands over the mug. I snatch it from him before he can change his mind. With my back to him, I stare broodingly out the window and take a deep drink of the dark beverage. By the time I settle against the leather, we’re pulling out of the subdivision and onto the main country road that leads to Hawthorne Prep.

If this is a sign as to how the rest of the day will go, I’ll never make it through unscathed. Kingsley will fight me at every turn to make my life hell.

And there’s not a damn thing I can do about it.

Chapter Eighteen

By the time we roll through the gated drive onto school property, I’m more than ready to escape Kingsley’s insufferable presence. Even though we have first hour together, I need the ten minutes before the bell rings to collect myself or I’ll lose it. The moment he parks the Mustang at the front of the lot, I grab the handle, ready to bolt. Before I can pop the door and escape, Kingsley’s fingers tighten around my upper arm.

“Not so fast.”

Exasperation burns through me like molten lava, scorching my insides. My brows slam together as he shackles me in place. It’s almost impossible to ignore the electricity zipping through my veins. “Excuse me?”

“You’ll stay by my side.”

I draw in a deep breath, attempting to calm everything that riots painfully inside.




“You stopped me from going home this morning,” I grit between clenched teeth, “I need to talk with Austin.”

“You can see him later.”

A scream builds in my chest. Any moment, I’m going to open my mouth, and everything will pour out. “King—”

His hand snakes out before wrapping around the back of my neck and tugging me toward him until his warm, minty breath can feather over my lips. “That’s right, I’m your king and you’ll do what I say. Got it?”

A whimper slides from my lips as his grip tightens.

“Mmmm, I love the little noises you make. They get me hard. Wanna feel?”

“Stop,” I whisper, trying to keep the tremble in my body from working its way through my voice.

His teeth snap, nipping at my bottom lip. The sting of the encounter leaves me panting before he draws the fullness into his mouth. As I’m about to self-combust, he releases the plump flesh. A zing of arousal shoots through me.

“Is that what you really want?” A wicked glint enters his eyes. “For me to leave you alone?”