“You’re definitely going to be the most lit instructor there,” Larisa jokes, and we all burst into giggles. “For real though … literature instructor? Why is everything at that school so formal?”
“Larisa, it’s the best private school in America, they probably want to sound fancy,” Emmy retorts.
“I have no idea. But they pay really well, and I’ve got a mountain of student loan debt, so they can call me whatever they want.” I laugh. “Like you said, this is the start of a new chapter. And this new apartment and new job is only the beginning. I’m finally living my life on my own terms, and I’m determined to come out of this situation better than ever,” I say, feeling a sense of power surge through me.
“That’s the Jo we know and love,” Larisa says, grinning from ear to ear.
“Because as a wise man once said, sometimes it’s the things that break us that make us stronger,” I declare.
“You mean as the hot man who you bumped into on the sidewalk once said...” Larisa giggles.
I roll my eyes, but a smile spreads across my face at the memory of Jacob—given my mental state at the time, the details of his appearance are a bit fuzzy now—but I remember his piercing hazel eyes that seemed to look right through me. Our small encounter left a lasting impression on me. The man was there for me in my darkest hour, even though he didn’t know me.
It was a brief moment, but it renewed my faith in humanity.
“I still can’t believe you didn’t take him up on his offer for hot cocoa. You love hot cocoa.” Emmy laughs.
“Seriously? Tom had just broken up with me. I had mascara running down my face and looked like a hot mess. The last thing I wanted to do was go to a cafe with some stranger,” I reply, chuckling at the memory. “I’m honestly surprised he didn’t call the cops on me for public disturbance.”
My friends laugh along with me, and for a moment, the weight of my parents’ expectations, and Tom’s infidelity, lifts off my shoulders. I realize that I have a great support system in my friends, and I’m grateful for them.
“Well, who knows? Maybe you’ll bump into him again,” Larisa suggests.
I shake my head, trying to shake the thought out of my mind. “I highly doubt it.” But even as I say it, a tiny part of me hopes that I’m wrong.
Maybe fate will bring us together again somehow.
I push the thought aside and focus on my friends. We spend the rest of the evening laughing and catching up, and before I know it, it’s well past midnight.
Emmy and Larisa decide to stay over, and we all curl up on the couch, watching old movies and talking until we finally fall asleep.
As I drift off, my mind wanders back to Jacob. I can’t help but wonder what might have happened if I had taken him up on his offer for hot cocoa. I know that I probably shouldn’t think too much about it, but there’s just something about him that I can’t shake.
But for now, at least, I’m surrounded by my friends.
And for the first time in a while, I feel like everything is going to be okay.
Chapter Four
“Are you even listening to me, Miss Andrews?”
It’s the first day of school and I’m making a sincere effort to listen to what this woman is saying right now, but she’s been scolding me for the past three minutes and it’s becoming increasingly hard to focus.
She claps her hands at me twice in quick succession, as if I’m a small child or worse, a dog.
“Of course, I’m listening to you, Ms. … Abadie…” I reply, still uncertain about how to properly pronounce her name. Ms. Abadie is the Head of Education at Jameson Juniper Hall, so it’s best not to cross her. Especially not on my first day working here.
I hope I didn’t just give her another reason to yell at me.
“It’s pronounced A-bah-dee! It’s French.” A small droplet of saliva jumps from her mouth and lands neatly on the floor.
“My apologies, Ms. Abadie.”
“Miss Andrews, you should be ashamed of yourself! How could you possibly think that your outfit is appropriate for an elite, private school such as Jameson Juniper Hall? And on the first day, no less.” Her eyebrows knit together.
I look down and analyze myself as if I don’t already know what I’m wearing. I’ve had this outfit picked out for weeks. This pinstriped pantsuit is the perfect combination of professional and chic. “Ms. Abadie … could you please explain what the issue is? With my outfit, I mean? What about this suit is inappropriate?”