I have no issue with that.

Just as I finish greeting the guests, a small hand grabs the folds of my dress and fluffs it prettily, making it seem like I’m a princess. I turn around and see Clem playing with the shiny fabric against the light, mesmerized by it.

“Hey, sweet girl, what are you doing down there?”

“I love this dress. I should have had Miuccia Prada make me an identical one when we were in Paris so that we could match!”

I smile down at her and say, “Maybe we can do that on our next trip to Paris.” I wink.

Clem nods excitedly.

“Besides, your outfit is amazing,” I tell her. In classic Clem fashion, she’s wearing a bright pink tutu and a top made of sequins. It’s chic and playful, just like her.

I look up and see Jarvis coming my way with a smile on his face. “Jacob is here. He asked that you meet him in the garden.”

I thank Jarvis for letting me know and grab Clem by the hand. Together we practically run across the terrace and down the stairs into the garden to meet Jacob.

But when we arrive, I gasp at the sight before me.

I can’t believe what I’m seeing.

There are hundreds of life-sized sculptures, characters from all my favorite books, waiting for me among immense arrangements of yellow orchids and gargantuan piles of Turkish Delight.

I move a little closer to this fairy tale and notice a yellow brick road and a sign meant just for me.

Come find me, Josephine…

Follow the yellow brick road!

I step foot on it and immediately get lost in a sea of stories.

The more I advance, the more I see.

Here is Captain Ahab, forever battling his white whale. On the left is Gatsby, staring across the water and endlessly waiting for his Daisy. I wave, even though I know it’s just a statue. Over there, between flowers and candy is Alice, running after the White Rabbit.

I continue to walk and I meet Anna Karenina. She looks so lifelike that I almost want to stop her from meeting her fate but I’m on another journey. A journey of my own.

I spot Achilles and Hector, fighting before the walls of Troy in a spectacular show that has come alive right from the pages of The Iliad and then I see Hamlet, caught in a frozen moment, eternally uttering his famous speech.

I am mesmerized as I follow the yellow path toward the center of this magical space. A curtain of yellow orchids hangs from a place I cannot see.

What will I find?

I push it to the side and there he is.

My heart sings and is ready to take flight. Just as I’m about to jump into Jacob’s arms, I see him kneel.

My breath is caught in my very throat as he opens a small, velvet box.

Inside, an oval diamond shines like white fire between two magnificent emeralds.

“Josephine … my love, my princess, the heroine of all my books and all my stories. Fate brought us together, but love has kept us bound. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

I’m speechless as I stare at Jacob, my heart beating so hard it might burst. The man of my dreams is proposing, and I can’t believe it.

I look down at Clementine, who’s staring wide-eyed at the ring. She looks up at me with a huge grin on her face. “Say yes! Say yes, Mom!”

I feel a surge of love and gratitude wash over me.