“Perfect, darling. I love it!”

“What are you going to write for her?”

“Umm … I’m still thinking. So, are you ready to go to the game, then?”

“Almost. Daddy, I have something for you.”

“Is it a matching sequin cape?” I joke but she seems quite serious.

Clem reaches inside the depths of her cape, where I presume there are also pockets and extracts a small box.

“Here you go. It’s a present for you.”

“A present? But it’s not my birthday…”

“It doesn’t matter. You’re the best daddy in the whole world and I want you to have it.”

My heart melts into a puddle at her words. I open the small box and find a pocket square. It’s dark red, the exact same shade as my suit, with a beautiful pattern of small, yellow orchids. I can feel the tears pooling in my eyes, but I try to hold them back.

“How … how did you even know? How were you able to buy this?”

She grins, obviously extremely pleased with herself. As she should be.

“I asked Jarvis to check with your personal tailor. I had a pocket square made just for you, just for this occasion. Daddy, I really want you to look your best today. I know how much you like Miss Andrews. And I like her too. Perhaps I can’t do that much to help but, whatever I can do … you can count on me!”

I scoop her into my arms and feel as her small fingers caress my face. What did I do to deserve such a daughter? My life would truly be a barren place without her.

“You know, I’m really happy that you chose to wear this sequin cape today,” I say as I’m still trying to fight back the tears.

“Really, Daddy? How so?”

“Because it’s so … you,” I reply, smiling at her. “There’s not a single thing I’d want to change about you, Clem. Not one. You’re just … perfect!”

Chapter Thirteen


A cricket game in the middle of October might not have been the best decision this school has ever made. I giggle to myself and wrap my soft scarf around my neck for better protection against the wind.

According to the other teachers, this cricket match is supposed to “strengthen our students’ character.”

“Hi, Miss Andrews! You look nice today!” A small voice, which I recognize at once, urges me to turn around.

Jacob and Clem are standing hand in hand, both smiling wide.

I try not to embarrass myself, or blush too hard.

“Oh … hello, Clem! Jacob … it’s so nice to see you…”

“Hi, Josephine! Have you been here long?” Jacob is wearing a dark red suit that makes his eyes look simply unreal—dreamy and impossibly handsome.

“I came down to the cricket field about ten minutes ago. Clem, you look … your outfit is so special!” I try to find the correct words. The little girl looks like a Christmas ornament, but she is absolutely adorable in her sequined cape and sandals.

“Thank you!” she says.

“But aren’t you cold in sandals? It’s the middle of October.”

“A little,” she replies, wiggling her toes. “It’s fine, though. I want to make an entrance,” she announces in a very serious tone of voice.