Page 8 of Mad Max

“I didn’t. I should have, I get that, but I was just worried someone was going to jump me or something, so I just left.”

His words confuse me as I look over at him. I’m deeper into my apartment, and now I’m the one farthest from the door while Benny is standing with his back to it. I should tell him to close it, but just as the thought crosses my mind, the doorframe is filled with a giant.

“Thought I told you not to come around Hounds territory.”

The way he growls gets me wet, and I think it does the same thing to Benny. But more in a “pee his pants” sort of way as he turns and literally shrinks back a bit in fear.

“But… wait, what? Why are you here? Do you know this guy, Cheyanne? Whatever he told you about me is a lie.”

My eyebrows climb to the top of my forehead. Is Benny really going to pretend that nothing got him kicked out of the party? I know he didn’t see me watching him with that chick, but he should have the decency to not try and claim someone is lying about things that might or might not have happened.

“What do you think he told me?” I cock my head to the side, curious to see if he would outright lie to my face. Benny and I might not be in love, but I thought we were friends of a sort. Not close, but we’ve been out a few times. That should at least warrant some truth, right?

I’ve never seen someone sweat from a conversation, but the way Benny keeps swinging his head from me to Mad Max makes for an interesting observation.

“Ah, nothing.” Whatever scare he initially had when he saw Mad Max is gone, and I see his posture change, almost he’s come to a resolution on what he plans to do next as he steps toward me and takes my hand. “I was worried about you. Are you okay? I’m sorry I left you like that. It won’t happen again.”

I pull my hand from his, rubbing it against my skirt, my palm all sweaty from his clammy hands. “Look, Benny, I appreciate your concern, but I’m fine. And I don’t think I like you using your dad’s key to get into my place.”

“I didn’t think you would mind since we’re dating. It’s not a big deal. You can have one to mine.”

“I don’t like repeating myself. Get the fuck out and don’t come back. Leave her damn key on the table before you go.” I hear the difference in Mad Max’s tone. He’s done being nice… if he ever really was.

Before Benny can decide on his own what to do, Mad Max grabs him by the neck and drags him out of my place, going as far as holding him off the ground a few feet as he digs through Benny’s pockets for the spare key. When he finds it, he holds it up to me, and I just nod that it looks like mine. He tosses it on the table, where it lands perfectly with no hop, and then shoves Benny out, slamming the door in his face.

“Bye, Benny.” I wave again, but he can’t see me through the door.

Chapter 4 – Mad Max


lock her door and go to her curtains, shutting those too. Don’t need that prick looking in on this place like the perv he is.

“Stay here.” I don’t wait for a response before I check her place, confirming every window is locked and that there are no cameras or listening devices. Never know how much of a sick fuck any guy is these days. He might look like a normal jackass, but I’ve been locked up with some crazy motherfuckers who appeared “normal” but had been in jail for a reason.

Once I’m satisfied, I head back to her living and kitchen area and open the fridge. I look at her, and she only shrugs. Probably used to the look when people see her fridge is filled with three rows deep of Kool-Aid squeeze drinks for kid. I grab a blue one, because why the fuck not, and twist the top off before I go sit on her couch and turn the TV on with her remote.

Got to give it to the girl. She lets me flip through my fair share of shows before I finally settle on the local sports network. Only then does she perch her cute ass on the seat next to me before grilling me.

“Um, what’s going on?”

At least she’s not trying to play this off as some cool everyday shit. Kind of like that about her. Straight to the point and also not just screaming at me to get out. It’s a nice middle ground.

“Ain’t leaving.”

“Okay… and why is that?”

I give her a look that should explain it, but she just waits for more. I release a heavy sigh, as I hate talking when a look can be read instead. Any brother would know what that look meant.

“Dipshit had a key to your place. Who the fuck knows if he has more? Ain’t leaving till the morning to make sure he isn’t going to come back.”

“Come back? You think he would?”

Another look. This one she gets. She just disagrees with it and shakes her head. “No, Benny might be a cheater and overstay his welcome, but I don’t think he’s the ‘harm a girl in the middle of the night while she’s sleeping’ type.”

I roll my head away from the TV and look at her full-on, not just the side glance I’ve been giving her. “What type of look would that be? Someone like me?”

I smirk as her face turns blank before she gets off the couch, putting some distance between us as she takes her phone out. I grunt and roll my eyes as I pull my feet off the coffee table I’ve been propping them up on. I know where this is going. Not staying around for cops to try and put shit on me that ain’t true.