Page 66 of Mad Max

“Believe it. Her uncle’s been giving her those since she moved in with him.”

The boys turn my direction, and I see Law nod for me to continue. I followed Fairy to see Travis a few days back, not only to ask for his blessing to make her my old lady and for protection but to also come as a representative of the club. I’ve somehow become the unofficial appointed middleman. Not complaining if the guy is going to become family soon. Which he is. Just not now. Fairy and I will get together, in every sense of the way, but not yet. We ain’t rushing things, and the topic isn’t even on the table. But when it is, I already know my answer.

I’m all in. Anything and everything she wants. Kids? House with the white fence? Hell, even if it’s a trailer park and my ring never goes on her finger, I’ll take whatever she gives me like the whipped pussy I am. Which her uncle knew and had zero problem calling me out on.

I spent the entire visit with him, and the guy gave me zero feedback on my question. Just a crazy smile that had Fairy sharing one of her own. Took another few days before he sent me a text. Only four words, and I knew it was him even though it was from an unknown number and I have zero clue how he got access to a phone: Don’t screw it up.

And I won’t.

“Travis is keeping his ear to the ground. He has the same intel as us: Duke’s in the wind. He didn’t go south to his prez. Travis believes, and I agree, that Duke’s still keeping his extracurricular activities to himself.”

Law nods in agreement of my assessment. “Most likely. Psy is many things, but the guy doesn’t deal in skin trade, not like this. He prefers the willing and wants his cut up front. He’s smart and knows too many eyes come with a position like this.”

“Why can’t we just call the fucker and tell him?”

I agree with Koop, but Law is already shaking his head.

“Already tried. Guy won’t take my calls anymore. Not after I asked where Duke was the first time and he told me to fuck off. We’ve got too much bad blood between us that started before most of you joined. Hell, maybe before a few of you were born. Hounds and Devils have been enemies since I joined. Duke was a pain in our ass then, and he still is today. But he’s got connections here, and that’s why he’s got a long-ass leash from his own president. Well, that and the guy can’t stand him. But Psy knows it’s better to have the guy on the payroll than playing against him.”

The boys nod in agreement, though reluctantly like me. We get it. We don’t like it, but we get it.

“Anything else?” Law looks toward me once more.

“Yeah, guy’s offering us help.”

This has the same effect on the club as it had on me when I heard it from the man himself: raised eyebrows and shock all around. While most of the brothers don’t know Travis personally, they all know him by reputation. They also know he and I were close while I was locked up. We had a working partnership for a while, but never once have the Hounds been gifted something like this.

“He give terms?” Flint inquires, probably already thinking about the debt we owe to the Crazy Eights.

“Nope. Doubt his offer is transferable,” I say with a shake of my head. I already had that thought to see if we could use his offer to pay off the Crazy Eights. After our first meeting with Travis, they looped me in on the bargain that was made to help Mama Bear and the kids after they were taken.

“And I’d rather not lose it so quickly. Having him in our back pocket is worth a lot more than what the Crazy Eights can demand,” Bulldog states as he crosses his arms.

Flint shakes his head in rebuttal. “Don’t think so. They haven’t given us a price for Mama Bear yet, and the more time that passes, the worse I think it’ll be, based on what I know of them. I’d rather have Travis deal with whatever shit it is and take our chances with no allies than to keep waiting out the unknown. Right now we have zero clue when they’ll demand we pay up. We’re strong right now, but we won’t be forever. Our resources are going to get pulled in too many directions, and I got a feeling that’s what half this meeting is about. We got Bass and his group dealing with the local and international mercenary shit. Mad Max and I are working on Duke. We’ve also learned from our recent outing that our people aren’t as safe as they used to be. We need to start running coverage on everyone who means something to us. If Duke and his crew got close, then any of our enemies can. And that doesn’t even cover the monetary aspects as we go international with Bulldog’s beer. We’re running thin. We take one problem off the table if we transfer Travis’s offer.”

“I get what you’re saying. And you’re right. Duke opened our eyes to a problem we didn’t even know we had. Never thought a person would go after the women and kids before, though I should have after what happened to Mama Bear and the cubs. We seem to be the only ones playing by the rules anymore. That’s about to change. No one makes my kid bleed and lives to talk about it,” Law seethes. “We’re going to double rounds and keep more eyes on those we want to keep close. We’ve got enough boys to make it happen, and I ain’t got a problem calling in a few favors from some other chapters if we get pulled too thin. Each of those brothers started in this chapter before I sent them out and gave them my blessing to grow and expand. They might have their own boys, but their allegiance started here. They keep me in the loop enough that I know it’s still there in their hearts.”

We all grunt in agreement. Not everyone gets lucky enough to prospect in the mother chapter of the Hounds. But Law made it a point when he took over that if a brother wanted his own chapter, he needed to do a stint here first. Didn’t have to prospect but had to put in a few years to prove they knew the rules. The Hounds were created by his old lady’s family, and he takes it seriously to carry on the legacy that it is today.

He’d do nothing to tarnish his Special K’s memory. The other chapter presidents need to be just as strong to lead a group of Hounds. Never know when you’ll have to step in and fill the shoes of the main guy in charge. No one wants to think about a day when Law isn’t part of the club, but we ain’t immortals. We might walk around like we’re gods, but death calls all our numbers at one time or another.

“For now, let’s table this. We need to focus on getting protection in place for our people and covering our asses with going international. We got friends out there, so let’s use them for what they are. We’re being pulled thin as it is. Let’s see if the Crazy Eights pull their marker before we’re ready. If they do, we’ll deal like we always do. But if things get in place like I hope, we can revisit which devil we want to dance with: the one with the face we know or the one we don’t. Dismissed.”

He bangs the scythe gavel on the table, silencing any debate any brother may have. After all, what Law says is law, no matter if you agree or not.

Chapter 29 – Cheyanne


on’t know what I expected for a family biker party, but this isn’t it. Especially after the last one I went to. At least no one is forcing me away from people. Except for Mad Max. Apparently there’s a whole group of brothers he would prefer I don’t talk to or even get near.

I really need to see if there’s a how-to guide or Bikers for Dummies. I’m not judgy, but a biker is harder to figure out than a normal person, which I guess they call civilians. Ruby’s been trying to educate me on the terms. She's been working to do that with all of us old ladies.

Apparently, I’m part of us now. I don’t care if I am or not, as long as I’m my beast’s. Which I am. I know I am. We don’t need to talk about it, it just is.

“Fuck. Will you quit smiling? You’re just as bad as the rest of them,” Ruby grumbles beside me. She still has the Band-Aid on her head, and she fucking hates it. Says it messes with her chi.

I tried to explain that chi wasn’t affected by that, but she didn’t want to hear it. And since I really like having people be my friend, I’m finding it easier to say my piece about the facts I know and just move on to the next topic. They seem to accept me for it and don’t laugh too much. More with me and not at me.